DataXchain project is a completely unique solution for the modern information market

DataXchain org
Published in
1 min readDec 4, 2018

Despite the fact that it is some new discovery in this field, it is DataXchain that will become one of the leading blockchain projects in the industry in the near future.

The advent of computers, and later the Internet, at one time made a real revolution in the world. Information has always been important in society, but since then it has become almost the main type of product for which many people are willing to pay very large sums of money.

A striking example-a network of “darknet”, where you can find a lot of selling dirt on various prominent figures and politicians. But in this case we are talking about a very limited segment for the placement of information, in which no one can vouch for the accuracy of these data.

DataXchain projects system is designed in such a way that its users can provide their data using blockchain technology. This will ensure their safety, as well as help to avoid fraud on behalf of the buyer or seller.

Learn more about DataXchain project on its official website at



DataXchain org

DataXchain is a “Blockchain-based Decentralised Data Trade Platform” which automatically matches Data Owners and Data Users.