DataXchain will initiate a new era of Data Liberalism

DataXchain org
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2018

DataXchain is a “Data Trading Platform powered by Deep Learning and Blockchain(hereafter Deep Data Trading)”
which matches what data owners can provide with what data users want through a tailored data-matching service.
Through ‘decentralizing’ data ownership and trade, DataXchain aims to create a new data paradigm in which individuals, as opposed to data giants, own the rights to their own data and are equitably compensated if their data is used. It also aims to create a brand-new deep data trading ecosystem in which anyone can easily create Digital Assets to share or sell.

With data penetrating almost every aspect of our lives and becoming a vital resource, the possibilities DataXchain can bring are endless and so is the extent to which it can dramatically improve our lives.

However, under our current industrial system, data is locked within centralised systems and services, generally represented by a handful of social media and internet portals. Our personal data has been harvested by these Data Giants to generate profits or satisfy their own interests.
DataXchain will change the current data game and enable Data Liberalism through DataXchain, a novel ‘Blockchain-based Decentralized Data Trade Service’. Leveraging the DataXchain Platform, all the information of DataXchain’s partners and users will be connected, integrated and managed equally and fairly.



DataXchain org

DataXchain is a “Blockchain-based Decentralised Data Trade Platform” which automatically matches Data Owners and Data Users.