How does DataXchain platform work?

DataXchain org
Published in
1 min readNov 9, 2018

DataXchain project is a decentralized digital data exchange platform based on the blockchain platform. It is a link between owners and users of digital data, which provides them with a unique service of intellectual search of the necessary data and the ability to carry out transactions recorded in smart contracts.

Each decision to purchase digital data automatically triggers a smart contract, which is executed and paid for by DXT tokens delivered to the owner of the information. The data user then has access to download the information and can start downloading it.

Against this background, DataXchain project team on the platform will monitor the quality of digital data by verifying metadata, assigning and encapsulating data. Find out more about the project DataXchain on the website!



DataXchain org

DataXchain is a “Blockchain-based Decentralised Data Trade Platform” which automatically matches Data Owners and Data Users.