Meet Emily!

Jessica Rosenthal
Datch Posts
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

Emily Aung is a Senior Software Engineer at Datch.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am originally from a country called Myanmar in South East Asia. After finishing high school, I decided to embark on an adventure to New Zealand for my education …and a new life. I went to Otago University and completed my computer science degree. Being a transgender woman, I have found that New Zealand is a very safe and peaceful country for someone like me. I have been living here for about 10 years now. Outside of my education and profession, I am a huge Lana Del Rey fan and an animal lover!

What brought you to Datch?

AI/Machine learning is one of the areas that I am most passionate about. I was looking for a new challenge before I found Datch. As soon as I learned about Datch, I became very excited and quickly knew it was the product and company that I wanted to contribute my professional skills.

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?

I like riding motorbikes and going on short day trips. I also enjoy playing my bass guitar. I am all about learning new things and everyday I go through my reading/learning list after work.

What is your most memorable accomplishment?

My mum was recently diagnosed with a bladder cancer. Even though I couldn’t be there with her in person, I have supported my mum emotionally and financially to complete her chemotherapy and radiation treatment — as well as pledging for the coverage of future treatments. I believe in paying back and I am very grateful to have had the resources and opportunity to support her through the difficult time. She is now well and happy. 😃

And your favourite movie?

I am a huge fan of the Star Trek and Stargate TV series.

