Meet Ramy!

Jessica Rosenthal
Datch Posts
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2021

Ramy Hassan is a Sr. Software Engineer at Datch.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a software engineer and I would describe myself as a serial problem solver. I have been working in tech for about 10 years and am passionate about helping people reduce friction in their everyday life by interacting with amazing technology. I have helped large and small organizations in New Zealand build software that has allowed them make an impact in their communities.

What brought you to Datch?

I have always had an interest in the start-up scene and Datch had such an awesome product that I could see helping a lot of people. It was also really obvious from the get go that the team culture was great, so I naturally pursued the opportunity when it came up.

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?

I love spending time with my wife and dog. We enjoy going somewhere far away from the city and appreciating the beautiful scenery we have here in New Zealand.

What is your most memorable accomplishment?

I helped an organisation in the early stages of their business achieve a lot of success and allowed them to grow their company to twice the size it was when I had first started. I am enormously proud of what we had done as a team.

And your favourite movie?

I have a lot of favourite movies but I am kind of obsessed with the movie ‘No Country For Old Men’ because I believe it is such a relatable movie for me personally. I have watched that movie a lot of times and have never gotten sick of it!

