What have I learned from 2+ years of online dating

O Park
Date Helper
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018

How many dating apps do you have on your phone? I have Tinder, OkCupid, Bumble, and Coffee meets bagel on my phone. I don’t go on every one of them everyday but I’ve been using all of them actively for about 2+ years.

How many dates I went on?

It actually varies by how much my free time I allocate on those apps. If I average them out, I probably went on about 2 dates a month for past 2 years. That’s 48 dates so far.

Have I found the one?

Nope, and I’m still looking and it’s getting frustrated. I constantly meet people but I know that I’m not getting any close to finding the one for me. All the dates I have gone on so far were like, we met, then… stopped talking. No matter if we had a great time or not, it all ended up to be nothing and I found myself doing same thing over and over again.

This got me to look back on the dates I had in the past and think about what went wrong and well. I’m still not sure what they were but I noticed that I have been doing the same thing that I did 2 years ago. My dating patterns and tactics are pretty much same as 2 years ago and I’m not getting any better at it. Moreover, I don’t even know where to start to get better.

How about getting a feedback for the dates?

How many of you have an experience where the date went well but your date just stopped responding back to you after the date. I ended up reaching out to one of my dates to find out what made her stop responding. She actually responded back with a reason why and it was actually really nice to know the real reason rather than hearing “I’m too busy with my life right now”.

Please feel free to share the lame excuses you have heard or said in the comments!

By getting that feedback, I know immediately if I want to keep pursuing or move on. More importantly, it tells me what my weaknesses and strengths are when I’m on a date.

However, asking for feedback on a date is weird and too straight forward.

How do I ask?

Asking for a feedback directly to the date feels very unnatural and less likely getting the honest feedback and is super weird. However, I still want to get feedback on my dates that will potentially help me find the one for me.

What if there is an app that does that for me? I couldn’t find any app that could help me so I knew I had to build it myself. I ended up working with one of my friends and built Date Helper, an app that can help you get the feedback on your dates.

Date Helper will take care of most of the work for you. All you need to do is add the date and send a text message with the auto generated feedback form from Date Helper.

There are so many ideas we want to do to make this app better. However for the first version, I’m excited to see how Date Helper will help people to find the one forthem.

As much as I like to get feedback from my dates, I also love to get your feedback on the app. Feel free to checkout the app and leave any comments or suggestions.

Date Helper is available on iOS and Android.

