Blockchain and dating: reshaping private life worldwide with breakthrough technologies

Nikita Anufriev
Published in
7 min readMar 7, 2018

DateCoin CTO, Maxim Kozlov sheds light on the project strategy to revolutionize dating market with breakthrough technologies, such as blockchain.

Intelligent dating

The concept of intelligent machines is dated back a couple centuries ago. However, it had nothing to do with reality till 70s-80s of the 20th century. With several decades passed, computer and applied sciences have advanced significantly, especially in design and development of intelligent systems.

Automated mass production, medicine and public services result in reduced hand labour for various applications. The idea to completely replace craftmen with machines is considered as an upcoming reality. There are our gadgets so far to make a decion on this morning schedule and optimal route. With speech recognition technology, Alexa will order everything you need online. Moreover, rapidly developing Internet of things is now capable of simplifying daily routine and even managing your apartment with a dozen of devices.

However, we can rarely hear about attempts to solve one of the crucial problems, building social communications. In line with globalization trends, dating services are gaining popularity due to extended capabilities in finding friends, soulmates, lovers or simply people sharing your interests.

Unfortunately, none of dating services users are secured against failure in quick search of the best matching partner. Swiping left and right endless accounts leads to ambiguous results, with most of them being irrelevant. It takes a bunch of time and annoys a lot (I bet most of you can confirm this fact recalling personal experience, when trying to quickly find somebody to go out tonight, using let’s say, Tinder).

Other troubles you can face to include numereous fake accounts with unreliable profile images, hidden subscriptions and payments, weak cyber security and personal data leaks. All these issues can only be addressed with an integrated approach.

From all the problems of dating services we would like to pick the key one. That is, all the preferences user has in his or her mind regarding an ideal partner cannot be considered by up-to-date services. Moreover, the user himself is often unable to figure out what he wants. Well, the basic parameters can be for sure set, but others, rather more complex, responsible for feeling your soulmate, remain untuned. We may unconsciously like communication manners, sense of humor or even smile…That is artificial intelligence to consider all these hidden factors.

For instance, nowadays face recognition technologies advanced as far as identifying person’s mood by photo. Thus, employing face recognition and data clustering, neural networks are capable of solving multi-parameter problem of finding the best matching partner from millions of users worldwide. That is how dating can meet all the users expectations.

Let me give you an example. Many men dream of girls of a certain type, or of girls, similar to their friends, with whom they for some reasons failed to build a relationship. Neural networks give an opportunity to find the only one that completely satisfies the user’s requirements among millions of girls signed up for the service. The criteria may include face images and body parameters (bra size, waist circumference), lips and nose shape, body proportions, and much more (up to the voice timbre). He does not need to set a lot of filters, scroll down endless profiles. All that is required is to upload a photo of an ideal one, and let artificial intelligence pick up the best matching girl.

Being a self-learning ecosystem, the service will also take into account prior user activity, including profiles viewed, chats and calls history (using in-app anonymous calls), and so on …

Based on the knowledge gained, an artificial intelligence will provide customized recommendations and pool of the best matching partners. If the user preferences change or he wants completely new experience, the standard filters can always be applied, for the search engine to quickly tune to the updated expectations.

Big Data for online dating

Employing neural networks for dating is closely related to big data processing. It is not a secret, that big search engines have already gathered all the information regarding users preferences, including favourite music, politics and other interests. Being analyzed, this data is used for targeted ads, music and news suggestions, etc. Moreover, big data is quite useful in traffic analysis for hacker attacks prevention and optimization of business processes.

With syntactic and semantic analysis of dialogs, special algorithms can identify users goals, preferences and characters. As a result, all users will be split in groups based on goals and interests and matched with the soulmates, with all the frauds filtered. Artificial intelligence will further filter the reduced pool of the matching partners based on averaged favourable face. That is how DateCoin will operate, to provide users the most relevant search results, based not only on appearance preferences, but also on users goals and interests.

Moreover, with users activity analysis, one of the key threats the majority of dating services suffer from, swindlers, can be identified and prevented. Thus, techical support will be more efficient and the quality of services provided wil increase.

Data security is another issue which cannot be neglected. Successful cyber attacks become possible simply due to funds cut for data storage security. As a result, personal data, credit cards info, and private chats can be compromised and published online. Sooner or later, the problem of data storage security and chats encryption becomes inevitable for any dating service with messaging capability. For multiple cases of private life compromised, the trust to dating services has been ruined. In DateCoin we aim to tackle several problems simultaneously, including chats privacy and garthering all information neccessary for quick and easy, but successful match.

We are going to use symmetrical data encryption in chats, with semantic dialogs analyzer being a chat participant. For this analyzer, the only difference is that it does not store the messages, but rather delete it from the server after processing. The server stores all the messages at the database in encrypted form. Not surpisingly, those databases are the main target of swindlers. Thus, decryption keys are stored separately at another server. This approach allows to store personal data securely and fix most of staff-related security issues.

Blockchain and dating

Unambiguous users identification is one of the key problems of online dating. It’s not a secret, that leaving bots aside, scammers and swidlers tend to steal identity. Attractive photos and completed profiles do not guarantee real date with exactly the same person. With time and money spent, disappointed users tend to avoid using dating services at all. We fix this problem with cutting-edge technologies, employing artificial intelligence and blockchain.

What is our idea? Well, we already use profile verification in working product, Denim. To verify the account, authorized user is required to send his or her image with a unique app ID (let’s say, written on a sheet of paper). Next, the moderator manually compares the photo with ID and all other images from the user gallery. Even though this process can be automated, nobody is secured against fake accounts and stolen identity. The only way to be sure is a real date, that sounds completely unrealistic for millions of users worldwide. What about an office for every big city around the globe? Nearly impossible. The only source we possess, though the most valuable one, is our users.

To tackle the problem mentioned above, we are going to implement blockchain. The mechanics of unambiguous users identification (or the second verification step) is quite simple. Authorized user can verify identity of the patner at real date via encrypted transaction note in distributed data register. After that the partner becomes authorized and capable of confirming other users identities at real date. At the initial stages, to become anauthorized, the user is required to be signed up for at least one month and have stable social connections with other users. That is how we not only solve given IT problem, but rather build an entire ecosystem. The efficiency and reliability of this mechanism can be easily justified with the following arguments:

● With fully verified accounts (2 steps completed), the popularity of partially verified ones (1 step completed) will drop dramatically, leaving practically no chances to unverified users.

● Usually, an average user dates with several people, so that he or she can at least verify identity of one user.

● Blockchain is designed to minimize the chances of signature falsification (for verified users) at transaction stage.

● As an open-source algorithm, blockchain allows to simply identify fraud

At the end of the day, each user will get the pool of verified accounts, carefully selected by artificial intelligence. That is how we are going to build new reality of online dating, with reduced search times and millions of happy users dating Mr or Ms Right.

Thus, employing breakthrough technologies dating will be taken to completely new heights of satisfaction.


