In DateCoin there will be no fake profiles!

Nikita Anufriev
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2018

One of the most important problems in the field of dating services is a unique identification of users and we know how to solve this problem!

In DateCoin there will be no fake profiles!

Why? Because we will verify all users personally-at a personal meeting.

But how is it possible — ask you, how can you hold millions of meetings with all users in all parts of the world? Answer!

We will transfer the verification process of the questionnaires to the users themselves.
That’s how it’s going to work:

💜 We personally verify some accounts of our users, after which they will receive the “Verified” status.

💜 “Verified” user will be able to confirm the identity of other users at a personal meeting by recording the transaction with all its data in our register of distributed data

💜 After confirmation the second user will also be “Verified” and will be able to confirm other users in private meetings on a date

The essence of the technology of decentralization will not change or correct the signatures of verified users when making entries in the blockchain. Thus, we will not only solve the problem of fake profiles but also protect the service from fraudsters and unscrupulous users.

Why do users pass the verification — you may ask?
In fact, everything is simple:

💜 “Verified” user a priori will be more interesting for other DateCoin users

💜 “Verified” user will also be of interest to new members wishing to obtain this status

What do we get in the end?

Honest and transparent dating service where the user will be sure that this nice girl with whom he communicates is exactly that young lady on the photo, not a 120-pound guy named Chuck living in the basement of mom ©.

