What do we know about the dating?

Nikita Anufriev
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2018

Do you know that the leading country in the field of dating is the United States?

According to the data for 2017, the revenue in the field of dating in this country is 2.18 billion US dollars per year. However, statistics show that the growth rate of the us market of darting is decreasing every year and moving from quantitative to qualitative indicator.

According to experts, by 2021 the share of the world market belonging to the countries of North America will decrease by 6% (from 46% to 40%). It is interesting that at the same time in other countries interest in Internet acquaintances is growing-in Asia by 8.9% per year, in South America by 8.17% per year, in Europe by 3.43% per year. Already in 2021 the Asian data market will overtake the European market and become the second largest in the world with an indicator of 1.54 billion US dollars per year.

Among the European countries the largest market share of dating belongs to the UK (248 million us dollars), Germany (250 million US dollars), France (161 million US dollars), Italy (91 million US dollars) and Spain (82 million US dollars). The major markets of South America are Brazil with a share of 98 million US dollars and Mexico with a share of 69 million US dollars. On the market of the ARAS 57% of the market comes from China.

The project DateCoin is an international online Dating service of a new generation which plans to enter 23 countries in the world by 2020.

To learn more about our project, seeking global leadership in the field of dating, you can visit https://datecoin.io

