Relationship Fun

Fun Games with Your Love

Dating and Relationships


It is time for some relationship fun! You may think you are having fun now, but you can spark even more fun in your relationship.

What do you do when you have been in a relationship for a while and you are past the dating phase? Maybe you settle for watching movies together or doing your own thing. Maybe you hardly have anything new to talk about. Maybe you eat in and don’t go out or you two are saving money for the future.

You can still have fun! I personally am all about having fun with everything I do, whether that is work, working out, cleaning, walking down the street, etc. I decided that in Austin and my relationship, we should do some new social games, whether we are chillaxin on the couch or going out for coffee or dinner. These games have been tested and they really have brought laughter,understanding, deep conversations and fun to our relationship.

The first one is the questions game. For this, one person asks a question and the other person answers. For example, Partner 1 may ask, “If you had to live in one place for the rest of your life and could never move or travel, where would you live?” Then Partner 2 answers. Then Partner 2 asks a question, but it has to be different than the previous question. This game can get very deep and fun. The questions should be unique. Some of my favorite questions to ask so far have been, If you could learn to make something and master it, what would it be? If you had to go back to college, what would you major in? If you could go back in time, what year would you like to go back to? Another rule to this game is you can not ask double questions.

Another game that I like is one that I made up tonight. I like to call it the Alphabet Thinker. In this game, you and your partner go through the alphabet. Partner 1 comes up with a word that starts with A, for example, Apple, and tells a story of what that makes them think of or a memory they have with the word Apple, then Partner 2 does the same with that word. Partner 2 then thinks of a B word, for example, Basketball, and a story or memory with that word and Partner 1 shares a memory with that word as well. This game made us learn new things about eachother, as well as share some laughs and it even inspired me to write this blog.

Now if you are ready for some extreme fun, our absolute favorite game is to go out to dinner or to a coffee shoppe and pretend you are two people on a blind date. Lets call this game, Blind Date. You can come up with crazy characters and a whole story line will unfold. We didn’t expect this to happen, but we actually kept our characters going till we left the restaurant. You can be anything from a shy, quiet teacher to a sumo wrestler, to a professional whistler and a hotdog vendor. You name it, just have fun! We actually have had so much fun with this game, that Austin proposed to me while we were playing this.

I am sure you weren’t expecting this article to turn out like this, but I think it is super important to have fun in new ways and improv a little with your partner. I would love to hear your thoughts on the fun things you and your partner do. @_lifepoints



Dating and Relationships

We are a couple that shares inspiration for everyday life. @_lifepoints