10 Signs She’s Constantly Thinking About You.

These are the 10 signs that shows she thinks about you.

Dating Champions
Dating & Relationships Tips
5 min readJan 27, 2021


signs she thinks about you

Whether it’s her crusher or significant other, there are some behaviors that show you whenever a girl really thinks about you more than she really does.

Welcome to our profile. Today we’re going to look at 10 signs that show she’s constantly thinking about you.

Keep reading until the end of this article to learn all of these incredibly intriguing signs and follow us for more dating tips like this one.

Without further ado, let’s start our countdown.

10. She texts or calls you.

It may seem normal, but the truth is that when girls think about someone, they find any excuse to text or call them via instant messaging, which means sending stickers: pictures are just random text for no particular reason.

This could certainly be a sign that she’s thinking about you.

9. She approaches you for no reason

A girl who likes you will find any reason to approach you in any way.

She may intentionally or unknowingly approach you. These are obvious signs that she is thinking about you. So, pay attention to these.

Is she coming to you to ask you questions about things she already knew or should know? This would mean that she loves you and enjoys talking to you.

8. She talks to others about you

When a girl adores you, you’ll be the subject of her conversations. If she’s thinking of you, she will talk about you in conversations with her friends or others.

If your friends or mutual friends have told you this, it’s a clear sign that she is thinking about you.

7. She smiles at everything you say

If a girl thinks about you, it’s because you’re a funny person and she likes to be around you. If she smiles at most of your jokes, but also at other random things you say, chances are she’s thinking of you more often than not.

This simply means that she really likes you and she loves being around you.

6. She talks to your friends

You’ll know that a girl is thinking about you if, in addition to talking to you, she also makes the effort to talk to your friends.

A person’s friends have a great influence on their life. That’s why a girl who loves you and thinks about you is also interested in the people you date, your friends, and your conversations with them.

If you notice that she talks to your friends more often, it means that she thinks about you.

5. She gets close to you

signs she thinks about you

If she gets close to you both emotionally and physically, it just means that she’s thinking about you in more than one way.

Sometimes, if you accidentally bump into or touch each other, but she constantly rubs her arm grabbing your hand or making physical contact with you for no apparent reason, it is a sure sign that she likes you and is thinking about you.

4. You catch her staring at you.

A girl’s persistent gaze at you clearly shows that she likes you very much.

If you’re in a room and you look across the room, in a class or at a party, and you catch her staring at you, it would be a sure sign that she likes you and has a crush on you.

If she sees that you’ve noticed that she’s staring at you and she looks away or blushes or smiles at you a little, it’s an acknowledgement that she likes you.

A little advice: Don’t be too obvious when you look around, otherwise she might think it’s you staring at her.

3. Her friends giggle when she’s with you.

If you see her friends smiling, laughing, or acting strange when she’s with you, it means that they’ve probably talked about you in their conversations, made up inside jokes, and teased each other about you.

2. She pays attention to her looks when she’s around you.

When a girl arranges her face, hair or clothes a little more when she’s near you, she may be trying to impress you. That’s why she’s doing everything she can to look even more beautiful in your eyes.

If all you do is hang out with her or if you are in a small group but she spends a lot of time putting on lipstick or lip balm, looking in the mirror or fiddling with her clothes, then it is obvious that she is trying to impress you.

1. Her body language.

The most obvious sign that a girl is thinking about you is her body language.

Pay close attention to her body language when she’s with you. If she tends to look into your eyes or turn her body toward you when she talks, it shows that she likes you a lot and thinking about you. She may even be nervous because she does.

What do you think about these 10 signs she’s thinking about you?

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