14 Clear Signs a Girl Likes You Over Text.

Signs she likes you over text.

Dating Champions
Dating & Relationships Tips
6 min readJan 28, 2021


signs she likes you over text

You’re texting with a girl you like but it’s hard to be sure over text if she feels the same.

In this article I’ll give you clear signs a girl likes you over text.

There are many signs a girl likes you through text. However it can be difficult to know for sure.

Is she just naturally friendly or is she really into you?

She texts you frequently but when you ask her to hang out with you suddenly she’s busy. What went wrong?

I hear you.

Learning these signals will help you figure out if she’s actually into you or if she’s just being polite.

14. She uses a lot of emoticons.

If she includes a lot of emojis in her texts, she might be into you. This means that she’s trying to show her body language by using emoticons. Sometimes you would notice where they outnumber the words themselves.

Don’t be afraid, the more the better.

13. She replies immediately.

signs she likes you over text

For us guys, when we like a girl, we take time before hitting that send button because we don’t want to look desperate.

But if a girl likes you, she would reply within a minute or even faster after you’ve sent your text.

12. Double texting.

Have you ever wished the girl you like texts you like this : “I like you, can we hang out ? ”

I’m sorry Bro, it won’t happen, because most girls wouldn’t put their emotions out in the fear of being rejected.

Trust me. They are as much as afraid as we are.

Instead they would try to be more subtle by double texting you.

Double texting is when she sends you another text even though you haven’t replied to her previous one. This isn’t when she sends you a barrage of texts, but when her last text was quite some time ago.

11. She sends you her photo.

Did she just send you her picture without you asking for it?
It’s a clear sign she likes you.

Girls wouldn’t just send anyone her picture when someone asks.

If it’s a selfie then you’re totally in, because a selfie is more personal, and shows more interest. She wants you to know how she looks NOW.

So find a way to compliment her or tease her a bit. Both are ways to start flirting.

10. She texts you Late at Night.

signs she likes you over text

No matter how mundane the text is, if she texts you late at night, it’s a sign she’s flirting over text.

Remember, it’s not the message. It’s when she sends it.

9. She updates her picture mid text.

Girls know that being too blunt about their feelings might scare you off.

If she could have it her way, she’d send you her cutest picture anytime she wants, even when you’re not texting. But that would make her look creepy. So what she would do is change her profile picture while you two are texting.

Unless she’s also texting with another dude, I hope not, that photo is for you.

8. She spells her word in a cute way.

You can easily find attraction signs in long messages. But what if she sends you short messages? Can you still find subtle clues she likes you?

If she uses extra vowels, all capital letters, punctuation marks, it shows she’s trying to get your attention.

7. She sends you virtual laughs.

Remember, the more emotions she shows, the better.

Texts like LOL, LMAO, and HAHA are signs she’s having fun.

Although she might not be actually laughing her ass out in real life, the fact that she wants you to know you’re funny is a sign she likes you.

6. She texts you first.

Here’s possibly one of the best signs a girl likes you. Girls prefer being texted first, so if she initiates the conversation, it’s a huge signs she’s showing interest.

5. She teases you.

Did you know that teasing is actually one of the best signs a girl likes you?

Most guys would find this negatively, but when a girl teases you, it just means that she’s showing interest. It’s a sign that she’s comfortable with you and knows you’re okay with it.

Teasing elicits an emotional response and she wants to evoke attention and emotion from you.

So when she gives you a nickname in text, try to tease her back.

Teasing each other back is basically flirting.

4. She texts you as soon as you’re online.

signs she likes you over text

Do you think it’s a coincidence that she texts you as soon as you pop online? Most likely it’s not.

If she likes you she’d grab that opportunity because she’s hoping she might get a reply right away. It’s a sign she’s on the lookout if you’re online.

3. She asks stuff about your personal life.

If you’re texting about casual topics, you’re already in, but if she goes on to ask you more personal questions, then she’s serious about being more than just friends.

She doesn’t just wants to keep you engaged by asking what your goals are, she wants to know how she can fit into your life.

2. She’s curious about your love life.

Many girls wouldn’t text you direct questions like:“Are you seeing someone? ”.

She would rather beat around the bush by texting about other girls to gauge your reaction. She wants to know what turns you on or puts you off.

If you currently have a girlfriend, she wouldn’t ask you how you two are doing, that would be too obvious. Instead she would ask how your girlfriend is doing.

This question has two agendas :

One, she’s hoping you’d open about what you like on a girl.

And second if you’re not romantically tied to anyone.

1. She asks you out.

This is the ultimate give away.

You might say “ it’s too obvious ” but many guys wouldn’t still be sure if this is a screaming sign she likes you.

If you two have a common friend, she would likely make that person a third wheel just to be with you.

So, guys, that’s it!

What do you think about these 14 signs ?

Let me know what you think in the comments, and if you found this article helpful don’t forget to give me a clap and share this article with your friends.


