2 Most IRRESISTIBLE Things Confident Men Do! (Most Guys Don’t Do This)

How to become confident.

Dating Champions
Dating & Relationships Tips
4 min readJan 31, 2021


how to become confident.

Today I’m going to show you the two most irresistible things that confident men do that most guys actually don’t do.

Imagine a beautiful girl walks beside you with long beautiful hair and a perfect blue dress, nice heels and has a smile on her face which seems quite approachable and you think “Wow she’s so hot, if only i can speak to her. I wonder if i could get this girl’s attention. She might not even like me, but I really want to talk to her, I would love to date a girl like this”.

Then you start to convince yourself out of it, by saying “she may reject me” “she’s not going to be interested in me” “she probably has a boyfriend” or “I’m going to look like a fool if i talk to her”.

Look, you’ll never get the girl of your dreams if you still thinking like this.

Because those thoughts show a lack of confidence and women don’t like guys with no confidence.

But what makes women love confident guys?

Most confident men do two things that get them results with women.

1. He’s focusing on his Strengths

One of the things that most confident men do is that they may have these thoughts but they choose to believe something different and they simply ignore these thoughts and focus on their strengths when talking to women.

This make them look more confident and give them amazing results with women.

2. He is not scared of rejection when talking to a woman

how to become confident.

The difference with a confident man is that when he talks to women he’s not scared of rejection.

Being scared of rejection is a limiting belief.

When you have a rooted limiting belief that can sound like “I’m not enough” or “I’m too short” or “I’m not good looking enough” and you choose to believe them. Then your conscious mind will do anything, absolutely anything to find proof that this is true.

You have to go out of these thoughts otherwise they will make you feel weak in front of women.

It’s time to change this.

All you have to do is to challenge your limiting beliefs and stop trying to proof that it is real. Instead, challenge it with an opposing thought every single day stop seeking approval from the women you talk to.

When you approach or converse with women you should not be giving in order to get her. You should be giving in order to see if she can get you.

This changes everything.

If you try to seek approval by getting her, you will automatically project a lack of confidence. Instead, look at it like this : As she’s already attracted to you and you have something she wants, simply tell yourself she is here for a reason, no attachment just conversation.

The trick here is to understand that you have exactly what it takes to get the woman that you want.

Imagine if you knew that you had what it takes to get the woman that you want, it would be less stressful. Things would be more free-flowing and it could be easier because you already have the cake, you’re just looking for icing.

So, challenge those beliefs because they are just illusions.

This doesn’t mean that you’ll never have negative thoughts again. It just means that you have to choose what to believe and what to listen to.

Women instantly like a guy who is free confident and has some energy about him, a guy who doesn’t take himself so seriously but has a maturity to him so that he knows who he is.

This gets women so excited.

how to become confident.

When you know how to approach and have a conversation with a woman, You can easily get her attention in any way possible, and give her a memorable experience so she can feel attracted to you.

So, that’s it.

Now, tell me which of these alpha male traits you will try first? And Why?

Tell me in the comment section bellow.

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Thank you so much for reading.

