5 Behaviors That Make You EXTREMELY Attractive to Women

How to be attractive to women.

Dating Champions
Dating & Relationships Tips
9 min readFeb 3, 2021


how to be attractive to women.

A lot of guys get told that in order to get a girlfriend or attract more women they should just be themselves.

I’m sorry to tell you that this isn’t necessarily good advice.

I mean, are you really gonna tell the 38 years old unemployed guy living in his mom’s basement and spends all his time watching porn and playing video games that he should just be himself in order to get a girl?


You would tell him that he needs to get his act together and focus on being an attractive high-value man before he should even worry about finding a girl.

Because high-value men are way more attractive than average guys.

So, with that being said, here are 5 common behaviors that the majority of these kinds of high-value men have.

I think that a lot of them are good qualities to have in general, not just for being attractive to women.

If you feel like you lack any of the ones i’m gonna show you how you can work on improving this quality within yourself.

1. Being on your purpose

how to be attractive to women.

I want you to think about the following question:

How often do you spend time thinking about what’s most important to you?

I mean, what’s your sense of purpose?

Do you even feel like you have a purpose or goals you’re working towards or do you kind of just coast through life reacting to what happens to you instead of taking initiative?

You know, almost all women want a man who has a strong sense of purpose he’s working towards, and Yes, that can mean building a seven figure business and becoming rich, but it can also mean you feeling like your purpose in life is to help animals, so you spend a lot of time volunteering at some wildlife conservation center.

>>> Ebook : How To Attract Girls Over TEXT

When you don’t have purpose, you’re a lot more likely to become needy with women.

Since you don’t have anything going on in your life you’re gonna make her the center of your life. She’ll sense that low value behavior like you have way too much time and energy on your hands and you’re pouring it all on her, and she’ll be massively turned off by it.

On the other hand, when you do have a strong sense of purpose like a career you’re passionate about, or a social cause that you’re involved in, and you know what you want out of life, and you’re on that path to fulfilling your purpose, you’ll start to treat your time as valuable.

So, you won’t have the mental capacity or the time to be needy with any girl since you have other important things going on that demand your attention and time.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that you be so much on your purpose that you don’t actually get to spend time with her balance.

Your relationship also matters.

But having a healthy sense of purpose will make you more confident and centered in yourself, something that women love in men.

2. Having Competence

how to be attractive to women.

I chose to include this one right after number one “having purpose” because it’s a bit related but not necessarily the same thing.

Having purpose is: knowing the direction in your life that you’re headed towards.

Having competence means you’ll actually figure out a way to get there.

Competence means you have basic problem solving skills, like you can take charge of a situation and not screw it up.

I see many guys that have these ambitious goals that they work towards like “being a millionaire” but sadly they lack the competence to actually achieve that goal.

>>> VIDEO : 5 Words To Make Girls Desperately Want You

You see, it’s not very hard to be within the top 15 % of men.

You know why?

Because on average most guys aren’t extremely competent.

Most people in general aren’t very diligent or have fortitude and grit when they face adversity and the reason they lack this competence is because they don’t even care to improve themselves.

But the good news is that you are not an average person.

Because the fact that you’re reading this article right now, tells me you have at least the mindset of trying to better yourself and achieving your goals.

So, chances are you have competence and women are pretty much universally attracted to competent men.

I mean, think about it.

1 000 years ago women couldn’t vote, they couldn’t own land, they couldn’t hold any positions of power or own real businesses.

So, if a woman wanted to better her life what could she do?

Well, she pretty much had two choices:

Number one:

She could marry into wealth or power, meaning the duke, the prince, the lord, whatever high noble positions they were.

Number two:

If she had to marry someone from her local village, she wanted to make sure he was competent that he could figure things out and get things done so that he could provide her and her children with a better life.

Women have carried this mentality as a part of their female psychology for the hundreds of years since then. Meaning that to this day, they want to meet and date a man who can demonstrate he’s got a good head on his shoulders and that he’s competent enough to achieve his goals as a high value man.

3. Establishing boundaries

how to be attractive to women.

One time, I remember asking one of my exes:

“When was the moment she knew she wanted me?”

And she gave me quite an interesting answer.

She replied that on her first date, she didn’t know me that well yet and she was a bit nervous, so she kept texting her friend while we were eating and one thing she noticed I did that made me stand out was to kind of call her out on it in a teasing way.

I didn’t raise my voice or anything but I think I said something along the lines of “Hey, you might not texting while we’re on the date

Just a bit rude, very simple and to be honest: I wasn’t even aware that she found that attractive.

I just said that to reinforce my boundaries of being considerate towards my time.

She told me that she’s done that before on other dates but she never got called out on it, and she found it funny, because I called her out on being rude on a date. It would upset her or get her defensive but in fact the opposite happened.

She respected and really liked the fact that I was able to calmly get my point across without being overly aggressive.

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You see, when you establish boundaries, you let the other person know that you value yourself, that you have a spine.

When you carry yourself with that self-respect, women will pick up on it and subconsciously find you to be high value man.

Establishing your boundaries tells women that you have a clear idea of what you accept and what you don’t accept from other people, and when women sense that you’re the type to stand up for yourself when someone crosses your boundaries they find it very attractive.

Because if you can stand up to her, then it tells her that you’d also stand up for her if someone was trying to harm her or screw her over.

So, definitely make a habit of establishing your boundaries.

4. Understanding Non-verbal cues

how to be attractive to women.

One thing I noticed a lot of guys struggle with when it comes to flirting with women is understanding their body language.

I realize that, because most men are more concerned with the surface level stuff “the words being said between you and her” rather than the underlying vibe.

You see, over 60 % of human communication is done non-verbally.

The way she looks at you, how much she’s leaning into your space, the tone of her voice, whether it’s inviting or standoffish, all of these are examples of non-verbal ways that girls use to let you know how she feels about you.

If you can pick up on these nonverbal cues, you can calibrate to however she’s feeling in the moment.

If she’s disinterested you can pull back a bit as well, and if she’s being a bit flirtier you’ll know to make a move.

>>> Ebook : How To Attract Girls Just By Speaking

A man who understands how to read non-verbal cues is to women very sexy because he’s a guy who gets it, it’s almost like that James Bond quality where you can read a girl’s mind and know exactly what to do and when to do it to get her going crazy for you.

For example, let’s say a girl you’ve been flirting with a girl who make some smiles looks at you in the eye, and you say: “Oh, so you wanted to dance with me?

Her: “Well, what makes you think I’m just gonna let you dance with me now?”

A guy who doesn’t understand how to pick up on non-verbal cues we’ll take these words literally.

He’ll think “Oh damn, maybe i should stop looks, like she doesn’t want to dance” instead of looking at her body language.

But a man who does understand her nonverbal cues however will realize “Oh, she’s just saying that as a little test, but I think we both know she wants to dance with me just as much as I want to dance with her” and she’ll proceed to make a move anyways.

That’s the difference between a man who does and who doesn’t know how to read body language.

5. Cultivating a man-to-woman mindset

how to be attractive to women.

Another thing I notice a lot of guys have problems with nowadays is with being comfortable in their masculinity.

When they talk to girls they give off way too much of a friendly platonic vibe instead of a flirty man-to-woman vibe and this is the biggest reason why men end up in the friend zone.

Because they’re too hesitant with letting their masculine energy shine through their interactions, instead they play it safe and act friendly with the woman that they like, and then all of a sudden they’ll ask for a date or a number out of nowhere, and of course 9 times out of 10 the girl will reject him because she’ll be completely blindsided by it.

After all, why would a girl go on a date with you if she didn’t even know you guys were flirting in the first place?

>>> Ebook : How To Attract Girls Over TEXT

So, the next time you find yourself with the girl you’re really into, practice cultivating a man-to-woman vibe to learn how to flirt both with your words and with your body language, and over time you’ll naturally be used to being in your masculine.

When girls meet a guy that’s comfortable with showing this part of himself she’ll naturally want to be more feminine around him, because it’s like yin and yang: masculine will attract feminine, whereas a neutral friend zone vibe will attract the same thing.

So, those are 5 examples of different behaviors that make you extremely attractive to women.

To recap they are:

1-being on your purpose

2-having competence

3-establishing boundaries

4-understanding nonverbal cues

5-cultivating a man to woman mindset

That’s it.

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