How To Respond To a Girl’s Texts (THESE are The 4 Types of Texts She’ll Send)

Want to learn how to respond to her text ? Read this.

Dating Champions
Dating & Relationships Tips
8 min readFeb 4, 2021


how to respond to her test

Let me ask you a question.

Have you ever gotten a text from a girl you liked and didn’t know how to respond?

Maybe you couldn’t tell if she was into you or not, maybe you didn’t know whether it was the right moment for you to ask her out, or if you should just continue having normal conversation, maybe you were scared of flirting with her and coming off as creepy or being too nice and ending up in the friend zone.

If you answered YES to any of these, then let me explain something that’ll really help you.

You see, anything a girl texts you will be either one of the following four different types of texts and these four types are:

Ignoring, Testing, Friendly and Positive.

Think of these four types of texts as kind of a flow chart from worst to best.

When a girl is ignoring you or giving you one-word responses, that’s the worst spot to be in, because she’s not interested.

But when a girl is texting you really positively, going along with everything you’re saying, that means she’s into you and you should ask her out.

If you can tell which of the four types she’s texting to you, you’ll know where you are in the interaction and how to nudge the conversation into the right direction.

So, the next time a girl texts you, stop for a moment and ask yourself:

Which of the four texts is this one?

Knowing the type of text she’s sending, will help you to reply in a good way.

Now, let’s start with the first.

1. Ignoring

how to respond to her test

Like we just mentioned, if the girl is ignoring your text or not being very responsive, it means she’s not interested in you.

When this happens the last thing you should do is to make plans to meet up or trying to ask her out.

A very common mistake I see guys make is that they’ll try meeting up with the girl even when she’s been ignoring them.

>>> Ebook : How To Attract Girls Over TEXT

When she’s giving one-word answers like “OK”, they’ll literally double text her like “hey, want to meet up” “hey want to meet up”.

Remember, her interest in you is low in the stage, so she’ll almost always continue ignoring you the more you try asking her out.

What you need to do instead, is to show her more of your personality in a fun and engaging way.

A good way to do this is with the fun giving mentality.

Basically, with a fun giving mentality, what you want to do is send her funny engaging messages without asking for anything in return.

Something like a joke, a meme or a cool story about something random that happened to you today are all examples of a fun giving mentality.

how to respond to her test

You see, the point of a fun giving mentality is that you’re providing fun in her life without requiring a response, and the reason why this works so well is because if she chooses to ignore you again it won’t be a big deal at all.

In fact, it will look way better than if she had ignored a question or you tried to meet up.

If you keep texting her with this fun giving mindset without asking for anything in return, most of the time she’ll eventually move from ignoring to the testing kind of text.

2. Testing

how to respond to her test

Let me quickly explain what testing is:

Testing it’s when a girl is saying or asking something to try to get an emotional response from you, just to see how you react.

The reason she does this is to test how confident you are.

An example of this can be:

Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls.

or “ Ha, you’re totally the player type, I can tell just by looking at you.

If you play it cool and pass her test, she’ll know you’re a confident guy and she’ll like you more.

On the other hand, if you overreact and fail her test she’ll know you’re not very confident and her interest in you will drop.

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If she’s testing you though, don’t worry, that’s good news.

I mean, she’s actually putting in the effort to respond to you when before she was just ignoring you.

So, you’re definitely headed in the right direction.

When you start getting the testing type of text from her, the key thing to do is just to pass her test, to show her you’re not fazed by her, and that’s it.

A good way to past almost any test is with the exaggeration technique.

I like this technique because it adds humor and it also shows her you don’t take yourself too seriously, which are both things girls find attractive.

Here’s an example of how it works:

Let’s say a girl gives the same test I mentioned before:
“Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls.”

Using the exaggeration technique you can say something like:

Yeah I do, but normally I forget their faces.

By going along with what she’s saying and exaggerating it, you pass her test by letting her know you’re not fazed by it.

The most important thing to remember is just to pass her test, nothing more.

>>> VIDEO : The Secret Technique To Make Girls Chase You

Don’t pass her test then follow up with a question or trying to make plans, because that’ll take away from you passing her test, and it’ll also make you seem super needy.

Just pass the test and leave it at that.

From my experience, when you pass enough of her tests, she’ll either start sending more of a friendly logical type of text, or skip straight to a more positive text type.

3. Friendly Logical

how to respond to her test

The friendly logical is exactly what it sounds: friendly and logical.

I mean, it’s just like a normal conversation, something like:

Oh, I went to the library today to study, can’t wait for Friday night.

Getting this type of text is a very good sign, because she’s taking the time to respond to you, meaning her interest in you is increasing.

If the conversation becomes friendly and logical, especially after some initial ignoring and tests, how I suggest responding is to give a brief response to answer her back but then adding on a bit of witty flirting at the end.

>>> Ebook : How To Attract Girls Just By Speaking

Let’s give an example of this using the same example of a friendly logical text mentioned above:

If she texts you, like:

“Oh, I went to the library today to study, can’t wait for Friday night.”

You might reply with something like:

Nice, I’ve been meaning to check out that library and I’m glad you’re already thinking about spending a Friday night with me.

Adding this playful flirting at the end, helps push the conversation from friendly to positive, faster.

I want to point out that context is what’s important here, like we just mentioned, if the conversation just started to become friendly logical after a more negative start, you should use a brief response plus flirting technique.

But if she’s been sending you positive flirty texts all day long and then sends one logical text, you should still treat it like a positive text, give a brief response but instead of adding flirting at the end, actually ask her to meet up.

4. The Positive Text

how to respond to her test

Like we mentioned before this is the best situation to be in because she pretty much already likes you.

It’s usually pretty easy to tell if she’s sending you a positive text.

Most of the time, she’ll be really receptive to whatever you say. She’ll send you lots of emojis and use lots of “haha, lol’s”, things that give positive emotion.

When you’re getting a positive text, it means that it’s time for you to start making plans, to meet up.

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But a really common mistake I see guys make is that the girl will be obviously into him, sending him lots of positive texts and initiating conversation, but for some reason the guy never actually makes plans to meet up.

He just keeps on talking, carrying on the conversation, being really safe and funny.

Remember, at the end of the day, the whole point of texting her is to meet up with her in person. So, if she’s sending you positive texts don’t hesitate to pull the trigger.

But when you actually try asking her out, I don’t recommend straight-up asking her if she wants to come out with you.

Instead, try asking a series of questions to get her thinking about the date.

Something like:

Hey, do you have good taste in hip-hop music?

And then: “ How do you feel about rap concerts?

And finally: “ What’s your schedule for this weekend?

By doing this you can feel what she’s into and find out her schedule and then use that to plan a great date.

So, those are the four types of texts.

You should now have a roadmap of how to read any text she sends you.

Instantly categorizing it under one of the four text types to see where you are in the interaction, and then responding to that text type in the appropriate way in order to move the conversation towards positive.

>>> Ebook : How To Attract Girls Over TEXT

To summarize:

If she’s ignoring you or rarely texting you, send something fun and interesting without asking for anything.

If she tests you, just pass her test without trying to ask a question or make plans to meet up at the end.

If she’s texting you logical conversation just respond briefly while adding some flirting at the end to push it towards the right direction.

And if she’s sending you a positive text, take that as a green light to ask her out, but do it using a series of questions rather than just bluntly making plans.

That’s it.

Guys, if you found this article helpful, give it a clap and share it with friends.

Tell me down below in the comments which of the four types she’s texting to you.

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