How To TEXT A Girl Who Stopped Responding

Your girl stopped responding to your texts? Read this.

Dating Champions
Dating & Relationships Tips
5 min readFeb 4, 2021


girl stopped responding to my texts

The most common thing that guys asked me about girls when it comes to texting is how to text girls in a way that will make her want to meet up with you for a date.

At first, I was kind of hesitant to talk about this topic because personally I’m the type of guy who prefers seducing girls in person as opposed to text.

That’s why most of my advices are geared more towards interacting with girls in real life.

But after doing some thinking I can now understand why it’s such an in-demand topic.

After all, most guys nowadays trying to find a girlfriend will probably try online dating apps like Tinder or OkCupid.

Whether you need help texting an inner match or a girl that you’ve already met, here are some key principles that will help you seduce her through text.

I think that we have to start with the mindset you should have when texting a girl.

You see, so many guys have this entitled pushy vibe when texting.

They’ll text something and if for some reason she doesn’t respond or if she responds with only a few words, these guys will take it personally like:

“Oh, why isn’t she texting back ?” or “how dare she ?”

And then, they start sending more aggressive texts like:

“What are you up to?” “What are you doing?” “Why aren’t you texting back?”

Guys, let me tell you that this type of response will automatically trigger a red flag for the girl, because she’ll see that you’re actually an insecure guy with nothing better to do than to text her.

girl stopped responding to my texts

The same few boring pushy questions and she’ll definitely not want to meet up with you.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t persist with texting girls if she’s not responding.

When she’s only giving you one word responses, you definitely should keep texting her because “why not?” you have nothing to lose, but it’s how you go about persisting that matters.

Instead of having the entitled mentality I just described, try having a fun giving mindset instead. Meaning that, no matter what response she gives you, just add some humor, some fun.

girl stopped responding to my texts

Instead of expecting much from her, send her a random joke or a meme or just say a random story about something crazy that happened to you that day even if she says nothing else except “haha”.

That’s still better than nothing and much better than you just asking “hey what are you up to”.

When you just inject some fun, she won’t feel like you’re trying to get something from her, and if she doesn’t respond it’s not nearly as awkward because it’s not like you were rejected by asking her for something.

All you did was send her a funny text instead of being the guy that she knowingly rejected.

You’re just a guy who sent her a funny text and she never responded back and the next time you’ll send her a random funny text, most of the time, they’ll text back.

Girls change their minds all the time, depending on their emotions.

So, using fun and humor in this way is a great way to persist.

girl stopped responding to my texts

But injecting fun and humor into the text is not the only thing you should do.

Obviously at some point you’re gonna have to try to get her out on a date. But the point is to inject fun friendly banter in, between each time you ask her out.

Too many guys make the mistake of doing nothing but repeatedly asking her to meet up.

Something like: “hey, want to hang out this weekend?” or “hey, we should grab a coffee” over and over again, which comes across as super pushy.

The reason why this hardly ever works is because every time a girl rejects you or flakes on you, when you ask her out the more likely she’ll keep flaking on you in the future. Meaning that each cycle of you asking her out and her saying no it’s only gonna keep getting harder and harder for you.

The more she says no, the more she’ll keep saying no.

This is why it’s important to space out any attempts at getting her to come out by injecting the fun and humor I’ve mentioned earlier.

Now, let’s talk about how to actually ask her out.

Last year, I learned an awesome principle called indirect logistics from a well-known dating instructor.

Basically, the idea is that instead of asking her directly “Hey, let’s hang out on Saturday” try getting her thinking about the idea of a potential date.

Try asking questions about what she’d want to do on a potential date with you, something like “Hey, what’s your idea of fun?” “What’s your opinion on going to concerts?” or you know some other type of fun activity you could do on a date.

And finally “Hey, what’s your week look like?” if she answers back it’ll get her investing and committing to the idea of going on a date with you.

girl stopped responding to my texts

The reason why this works so well is because by answering your questions she’s kind of answering your frame, following you as you lead things forward and by using indirect logistics in this way, Instead of just asking her straight up if she wants to hang out with you, you’re much less likely to get a rejection because you’re not putting as much pressure on her.

The one last thing I have to show you is to improve your way of communication with the girl.

If you have met this girl before maybe try calling her or even better get her on FaceTime. Because talking with her in real time will help you to get her attention easily.

Based on my own experience, when I ask a girl out on a phone call, the chances of her flaking are much less.

girl stopped responding to my texts

This is because humans naturally connect by hearing another person’s voice. It hits us on a much deeper and much more powerful level, so if the texts aren’t going well, consider calling her up if you’re feeling bold.

So, That’s it.

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