10 Traits that Make a Man Fall in Love

Paul Clooney
Love Tips for Women
4 min readMar 19, 2023

Ever wonder what traits a man looks for in a woman?

If you feel like you have it all but wonder if your man agrees, then there are some definite traits that men look for in a woman.

Although all men are slightly different, these traits tend to be common in most situations. You may already be these or need to work on them, but these are the winning traits for a woman from a man’s point of view.

1. Confidence

If you show that you are confident, he is instantly interested. Men do not want to have to bring this out of a woman but have it be there naturally.

Confident, self-assured women are of great interest to men. These are not women who are self-conscious or who need constant reassuring, and that’s huge for men.

Feel confident with the woman that you are, and he is sure to notice!

2. Strength

A woman who is strong is always going to win a man over!

This is more than just confidence, but strength professionally and personally too. This is a woman who is strong enough to carry herself well, and everyone notices.

It’s an inner strength that just exists and needs little nurturing. Looking to strength shows him that you are the whole package!

Before you continue, get this awesome free online course:

How to Get a Man to Love You — The Incredible 7 Step Guide!

3. Sense of humor

Men like a girl who is funny and one that gets his sense of humor too.

This isn’t about faking a laugh at his jokes, but rather being funny on your own. It may be sarcasm, but it’s something that makes him laugh.

If he knows that he can laugh at you, then he knows that he’s going to have fun with you too!

4. Good physical appearance

If you think that appearances don’t matter to men, then you are fooling yourself!

Men do care about how you look, and it’s the first thing they notice and that attracts them to you.

They notice even if you are well-groomed, have pretty hair or manicured nails.

They want to have a woman that looks good on their arm, so they will see how you look at all times!

5. Dedication and loyalty

Make no mistake he is looking to see how many friends you have and how close you are with your family.

He wants to evaluate just how loyal you are and how dedicated you are to those close to you. This is a great measure to him as to how you will be with him in the long term.

Although you may not give this much thought, your dedication to those close to you speaks volumes to him.

6. Intelligence

Sure, he wants a woman that looks good, but he also wants her to have some substance.

He can tell if you are faking it or if you are lacking intelligence on certain matters.

He wants to know that his woman is beautiful and smart.

This is about overall intelligence and not just on a couple of subjects.

So dig deep and show him what a smarty pants you are!

I highly recommend that you get this free online course:

How to Get a Man to Love You — The Incredible 7 Step Guide!

7. Good communication skills

He needs to know that he can talk to you.

Although men communicate differently, he still wants to know that there is good conversation in his future.

If he can’t talk to you, then he’s going to wonder what the future of your relationship holds.

He wants an articulate and well-spoken woman that can carry a conversation with just about anyone!

8. Outgoing

He wants you to build relationships with his family and friends.

He needs to know that if you are at a party together, you can handle yourself.

He doesn’t want you to be flirty or come on too strong, but he does want you to be outgoing.

This is yet another way to show that you are self-assured and that you can handle anyone or anything!

9. Leadership

This doesn’t mean that you are a dictator, but it does mean that you have built-in leadership tendencies.

You may be a leader in your personal life or with your friends. You may be a leader at work in some capacity on a professional level.

He doesn’t want you to be bossy but does want to know that you can take charge when you need to.

10. Supportive and caring

Are you going to be the woman that has his back?

Are you going to help him through whatever comes at him in life?

He needs to know that you are supportive and that you care about his well-being.

Although he may not articulate this point, he needs to know that you are his best supporter.

Showing that you care and that you support him can ultimately win him over!

Make sure you get this amazing free online course:

How to Get a Man to Love You — The Incredible 7 Step Guide!



Paul Clooney
Love Tips for Women

Love Coach for Women. Author of the FREE online course ‘How to Get a Man to Love You’: www.paulclooney.com/love