Answered: How Does a Girl Get a Boyfriend?

Paul Clooney
Love Tips for Women
4 min readMar 22, 2023
  • You have to love yourself first.

It’s an age-old mantra that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you don’t love yourself first, you can’t expect anyone else to either.

We live in an age where a low self-esteem epidemic is raging high, and many women try to skip this step.

Signaling to men that you are amazing is much easier when you believe it yourself.

2. Know what you want.

You aren’t going to meet the guy of your dreams if you don’t know what he “looks like” in terms of qualities and standards.

Set a list of “nonnegotiable” aspects of your perfect boyfriend, and when you are dating, you will be able to weed the wrong men out faster.

Too many women today are settling on the first guy who will keep dating them, and they wind up abused, abandoned and heartbroken as a result.

This won’t happen if you require the right nonnegotiable qualities in that perfect guy.

3. Don’t expect perfection.

You aren’t perfect, so you can’t expect any guy to be, either.

Love is about loving someone with their flaws, not until their weaknesses show.

When you put your own weaknesses out there and risk the pain and heartache, you will be surprised at how attractive you become to men who won’t date women who are too busy seeking perfection.

Before you continue, get this awesome free online course:

How to Fascinate a Guy Who Thought He Was Not Ready for A Relationship

4. Smile more.

And mean it.

We live in an angry, grumpy world, so the people who seem the happiest, nicest and most attractive to others are the ones who don’t feed the angriness and grumpiness of the world.

When you smile at men, and mean it, they will be ten times more likely to notice you than if you just looked the other way.

This tip also sends the message that you are easy to be with and don’t sweat the small stuff, and that makes you prime girlfriend material.

5. Put yourself out there.

You aren’t going to meet him in the basement of your mom’s house while you are complaining about not having a boyfriend.

Put yourself in places (hint, not clubs or bars) that are more likely to have the kind of men you are interested in.

Sign up for a cooking class, join a co-ed yoga group or take a biking adventure course.

Whatever you imagine yourself doing with your future boyfriend, do it with you first and set the wheels of attraction in motion.

6. The Bottom Line

We live in a day and age of instant gratification, and this has taught many women that getting a boyfriend is easy if you make yourself easy as well.

But all good things in life take work and effort, and what is worth having is worth waiting for if you give yourself that self-respect first.

Confidence is at the top of every man’s list of “the perfect girlfriend,” so mastering this step will help all of the others fall into place.

Your knight in shining armor is not going to come to your door, you have to prove to him that you are worth the wait that he is undergoing right now too.

Make sure you get this amazing free online course:

How to Fascinate a Guy Who Thought He Was Not Ready for A Relationship



Paul Clooney
Love Tips for Women

Love Coach for Women. Author of the FREE online course ‘How to Get a Man to Love You’: