Because she deserves the best — Read how our team takes extra care of female patients with special needs.

Shawm (Shomprakash Sinha Roy)
Datun Life
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2019


Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

Fact: The human species continues to exist because women around the world agree to carry the species forward.

We at Datun Life understand the critical need to provide exemplary care and service for women with special needs. While regular dental treatments will work well for men & women alike, there are some cases that need extra attention, for example:

Pregnant Women

Photo by John Looy on Unsplash

When a woman is expecting a child, medical professionals must strive to provide the highest levels of hygiene, de-stressing, and relaxing undertones to soothe both mother and child during any time consuming procedure. Be it a root canal treatment or extraction, the team at Datun Life always goes the extra mile to ensure that an expecting mother receives a truly memorable experience at our treatment center.

Other special female needs

Due to the monthly menstruation cycles of women who have attained puberty (aged 13–49), there is often an acute shortage of RBCs and more often than not, we have witnessed female patients who were either anemic, or on the borderline.

In such cases, our team takes extra care to prevent unnecessary bleeding during surgical procedures, by using collagen plugs, and minimize the use of needles (needle-less anesthesia and digital, pressure sensitive injection systems).



Shawm (Shomprakash Sinha Roy)
Datun Life

Sexiest Writer Alive (Born Oct 30, 1990), Fitness Freak, CMO at Graviton Web3 Accelerator. Forbes Nominated Content Creator & Int'l Young Achiever Award Winner