Painless Dental and Oral Surgeries at Datun Life

Shawm (Shomprakash Sinha Roy)
Datun Life
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2019


Photo by Erick Tang on Unsplash

It is a myth that dental & oral surgeries have to be painful.

The history of dental practice is marked with painful procedures, like multiple-sitting root canal treatments and high-pressure tooth extractions with big forceps. So, unfortunately, many patients today get scared of availing the right treatment at the right time, because they don’t want to experience that kind of pain.

Datun Life is breaking this myth and solving the problem of pain with the most advanced dental technology available in the world today.

Today, at Datun Life, we are able to provide solutions like painless single-sitting root canal treatments and painless tooth extractions, among other surgeries, because we use some of the most advanced medical infrastructure in the world of dental care.

Photo by Daniel Frank on Unsplash

To err, is human. To forgive, divine. To be 100% accurate all the time, is the blessing of artificial intelligence. Can you imagine an injection system that is 100% accurate, all the time?

We use syringes that function like all other syringes, except for the fact that they are not controlled by humans. Whenever we need to inject medicine during an oral or dental procedure, we use a digital pressure-sensitive injection system that controls the amount of medicine in use, the overall pressure applied, and the resulting experience? Totally pain-free.

Can you imagine dental anesthesia without using needles?

When we need to use localized anesthesia before any dental or oral procedure, we do not use regular painful injections. We have invested in and procured a special needle-less anesthesia kit that uses less medicine, has less contact with teeth and gums, and gives a completely pain-free experience to the patient.

We use auto-control injection systems to minimize the medication used, and to enable a truly pain-free experience during our surgeries.

Can you imagine a dental surgery without using a drill?

That’s right. At Datun, we use air-pressure sensitive systems instead of drills, to use a high-pressure stream of air to remove damaged or infected tooth particles, instead of the regular painful drills that most dentists use.

We also use LASER-based treatments for both hard and soft tissue treatments, which are completely drill-free and consequently, painless.

Painless surgical services available at Datun Life:

  • Surgical tooth extraction
  • Impacted tooth surgery
  • Gum surgeries
  • Flap surgeries
  • Dental implants
  • Sinus lifts
  • Bone grafts (We use internationally renowned bone graft imports for all our procedures)
  • (And many more advanced surgery options are available, as per the patient’s requirements)

Read more on the advanced dental technology we use at Datun here:



Shawm (Shomprakash Sinha Roy)
Datun Life

Sexiest Writer Alive (Born Oct 30, 1990), Fitness Freak, CMO at Graviton Web3 Accelerator. Forbes Nominated Content Creator & Int'l Young Achiever Award Winner