Periodontal Medicine Department at Datun Life— Where medically compromised patients can get the right treatment

Shawm (Shomprakash Sinha Roy)
Datun Life
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2019


What is Periodontal Disease, and what problems can it cause?

Periodontal disease refers to infection, inflammation or bleeding of the gums, due to bacterial attacks. Unless treated in time, periodontal disease can develop into a serious condition that destroys the skeletal structure of the jaw, including the teeth and the jawbone.

Periodontal disease is mainly caused by bacteria that is present in dental plaque — the sticky substance that forms on your teeth a few hours after you have brushed. In an effort to eliminate this bacteria, your body’s immune system releases substances that can cause inflammation and destruction of the gums, periodontal ligament or alveolar bone. This can first lead to gingivitis, and eventually progress into periodontitis.

Periodontal disease can also lead to loose teeth, which eventually will need to be removed. If left untreated or un-tested, it progresses from stage one (Gingivitis) to stage two (Periodontitis) and the resulting inflammation can cause a range of other diseases, such as:

  • Chronic heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Strokes (Partial or full)
  • Respiratory diseases (Lung Infections)
  • Osteoporosis (Bone density deficits)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (Bone disorder)
  • Alzheimer’s disease (Neurological disorder)
  • Dementia (Neurological disorder)
  • Renal diseases (Kidney disorders)
  • Stomach ailments

What can I do if I have Periodontal Disease, or a connected health condition?

Datun has a periodontal medicine department which specializes in the treatment of all gum diseases which are at the root of other chronic problems (listed above).

So if you or a loved one is suffering from any one of these conditions, and suspect that the root cause of the problem is a gum disease, expedite your visit to Datun Life, so that we can accurately diagnose the condition and begin the relevant treatment process to completely cure the patient.

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Shawm (Shomprakash Sinha Roy)
Datun Life

Sexiest Writer Alive (Born Oct 30, 1990), Fitness Freak, CMO at Graviton Web3 Accelerator. Forbes Nominated Content Creator & Int'l Young Achiever Award Winner