Special care for Medically Compromised Patients at Datun Life

Shawm (Shomprakash Sinha Roy)
Datun Life
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2019


Photo by Geo Days on Unsplash

Not everyone can be treated equally.

Due to the complex nature and interconnectedness of the human anatomy, all diseases are not what they seem at the outset.

Many patients who visit our dental clinic, also complain of pre-existing systemic or chronic conditions such as:

  • Compromised cardiac function (Heart diseases, strokes, etc)
  • Compromised liver function
  • Compromised kidney function (Renal diseases, patients on dialysis
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Osteoporosis (Bone degradation)
  • Cancer
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Parkinson’s, Alzhymer’s Disease, or Dementia (Neurological disorders)
  • Stomach ailments

Our job is to make an accurate diagnosis, to understand whether an oral problem is at the root of the patient’s pre-existing condition. Additionally, we follow strict protocols to ensure that the line of treatment advised by us does not create any conflict with the existing line of treatment that the patient is being subjected to, by other doctors/specialists.

For example, a diabetic patient will be prone to more bleeding than a patient with normalized insulin levels. In such cases, our team takes extra precautions to minimize bleeding using specially procured tech such as collagen plugs during the treatment.

Datun Life also excels in the presentation of dietary facts and fact-checked counseling as far as the lifestyle choices and nutritional habits of medically compromised patients are concerned.



Shawm (Shomprakash Sinha Roy)
Datun Life

Sexiest Writer Alive (Born Oct 30, 1990), Fitness Freak, CMO at Graviton Web3 Accelerator. Forbes Nominated Content Creator & Int'l Young Achiever Award Winner