How to Heal From an Emotionally Absent Mother: 5 Things for Daughters to Do

Realizing Your Mom Was Emotionally Absent

When they have children, many women discover a deeper connection to their own moms. We may feel tremendous gratitude for all they did for us and a newfound appreciation for the patience, effort, and loving care it took to nurse us, potty train us, help us with our math homework, guide us through the awkward preteen years, and let us make our own stupid mistakes as young adults.

For many of us, though, motherhood makes us realize how much we missed out on during our own childhoods. We may finally become aware of the many ways our lives were negatively affected by the absence of that profound emotional bond between mom and daughter.

What Is an Emotionally Absent Mother?

“An emotionally absent mother is not fully present and especially not to the emotional life of the child. She may be depressed, stretched too thin and exhausted, or perhaps a bit numb. Many of these mothers were severely undermothered themselves and have no idea what a close parent-child relationship looks like



McKenna Meyers
Daughters of Emotionally Absent Mothers: How to Heal and Find Yourself

I’m a teacher with a master’s degree in special education who writes about growing older, wiser, and stronger, politics, current events, and parenting.