Daughter of Zion; Remember His Lovingkindness

Ronnie O’tega
Words that Flow from the Heart
4 min readJul 26, 2020
Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

Every morning for the past couple of years, my mother shares the devotion for the day on our family WhatsApp group.

A couple of weeks ago, on the morning after my 28th birthday, the devotion topic was, “Recall God’s lovingkindness”, and on that first day of my new year and new age, I decided to do just that but somehow got carried away with life’s distractions and forgot to share it.

Still, it’s always better late than never, right? So here it is…

Where do I even begin to recall God’s loving-kindness but at the very beginning? From the moment I was conceived in my mother’s womb before which he already even knew me, he knew every single detail of my life up till this moment and even after it.

Take a moment to let that sink in.

Take a moment to consider a person so omniscient — all-knowing — and omnipresent — everywhere at the same time, that he knew you and everything about what you were going to be and do long before you were born.

He blessed me with a kind and honest heart. A heart that sees and understands its flaws but chooses to daily come to him with a renewed mind and renewed hope because the work he does in the human heart is never finished.

He is continually working and willing for me to do right, to be kind, to be fair, to be just, to live a good life here on earth because there’s something greater coming. He is constantly aching for me to be the best I can be daily because He is no mediocre personality and if I am created in His image then I am not mediocre either. He makes things beautiful and he makes them good.

The word lovingkindness means “tenderness and consideration towards others.”

Take another moment to let that sink in.

So when the psalmist wrote — ‘Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise you…’ (Psalm 63:3–4 NKJV) — can you begin to imagine how God’s tenderness and consideration towards us are even better than our very life?

God is so gentle and kind that his love for us is better than our lives.

And why shouldn’t it be? He gave us that life.

There is a lot you will see in the world that will make you doubt the genuineness of that love and for good reason too. People are dying and hurting every single second of every single minute everywhere in the world, and you’ve probably wondered why such a God whose MO is love would continue to allow such despicable things to happen.

It stands to reason that if he is so powerful to be all-seeing and all-knowing, he should be able to put a stop to all the evil in the world, right?


God made all things good and made us in his image and with that came the free will to decide to stay on the path of good or veer into the dark side of evil. The consequence of that means that while some will choose to stay as the good, kind, continually working to perfection being that God created, others will choose to turn towards the evil, wicked path of destruction. And because God is a man of His word, he will not overpower man’s desire to exercise free will.

But it isn’t all doom and gloom. Because God is kind and loving, he has a plan. All this pain and hurt and evil and destruction don’t just end here, there’s something more. Think of all the beautiful things in the world and nature, think of the perfect symmetry of the trees and the seas and the animals in the field and the air and now imagine how much love would have had to have been in the heart of a Creator that made all that.

Do you think a Being as detailed and specific to have made all that would just knowingly stand by and watch it all get destroyed without having a plan for the very things he created?

So today, take comfort in the knowledge that God’s love and kindness are greater than anything you can imagine. I urge you to take a cue from the topic of that devotion and recall God’s lovingkindness, you’d be amazed how much it’ll put things into perspective.

…And may the peace of God and the knowledge of who you are in his world fill you with light and love always.



Ronnie O’tega
Words that Flow from the Heart

Writer. Music lover. Social Introvert. Becoming the very best version of myself