Do Not Awaken Love Until She So Desires

Ronnie O’tega
Words that Flow from the Heart
2 min readAug 9, 2020
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Wait for love my dear
Wait till you are sure
Wait till you know
you do not need a prince
to knock on your door
Wait till you are ready
Till you are full and steady
Till a man’s touch and kiss and money will not make you needy

Do not awaken love until she so desires
She is a hungry, thirsty beast
She will crave much more than she can give
And give much less than she receives

Do not awaken love my darling
She is not the beauty asleep in a glass coffin
That fair maiden awaiting the kiss
That will bring the light back into her eyes
And colour to her cheeks

Do not awaken love until she so desires
Do not arouse her from her slumber
Let her do that all by herself
Let her eyes pry open in their own time
Like a budding flower or a hatching butterfly
Do not awaken love until she is ready
Ready to become aware and "woke"
to the beauty of her many
and other-selves.

I wrote this at a time when I was struggling with love and romantic relationships and it felt like I was doing everything wrong.

I was reading Song of Songs and at least three times in that book, Solomon tells the daughters of Jerusalem to “…not awaken love until she so desires…” and Solomon was a guy that wrote a lot about love and emotions and other human subjects so I guess he knew what he was talking about.

Sometimes, it’s not about you or them, but the timing. And how do you know if the timing is right? I don’t know, I guess you just do.

In the meantime, live your life. Grow, learn and become the very best version of yourself you can be for yourself 💕💕



Ronnie O’tega
Words that Flow from the Heart

Writer. Music lover. Social Introvert. Becoming the very best version of myself