Things to Know Before You Buy a Rottweiler Puppy for Sale

Charles Dickens
Dav Pet Lovers
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2021

Planning to adopt Rottweiler Puppy? Search, browse, and compare rottweiler puppy prices. Also, research about this breed in detail.

Are you planning to have Rottweiler Puppy as your pet? If yes, then you must read this article. We have explained what you need to know or ensure before welcoming the breed to your home. We will also tell you what necessary research you need to do before checking the rottweiler puppy for sale. However, before it, let’s know more about the Rottweiler breed.

Things You Should Ensure Before Adopting Rottweilers

1. Have you researched Size?

Before jumping for searching the best Rottweiler puppy price available, you should ensure if you have enough room for a dog whose average height ranges from 30.5"-34.0" and weight 100-pound. Moreover, if you are planning a baby or have small kids, you should also ensure if you would be able to take care of your baby and your pet.

Talking about its growth, on average, a baby rottweiler takes 24 months to grow as an adult.

2. Did you know that Rottweilers are high maintenance dogs?

If you want to keep your rottweiler strong and healthy, you need to give them quality food. Moreover, during training, one should always offer treats like raw meat or marrow bones. In case you adopt a rottweiler puppy, here is the list of food requirements we suggest you follow.

· You should always prefer branded and safe food products.

· Check the ingredients before buying. It may be possible that your pet is allergic to any of the ingredients.

· Make sure you add nutrients, protein, and vitamins to their diet.

3. Ensure if the baby is eight weeks old

Your pet can have a behavioral issue if separated from the mother and the litter before eight weeks. If we talk about rottweiler puppies, they learn to gel up in 6 to 12 weeks.

4. Ensure if you have enough time to invest in training.

As you know, dogs of this breed are strong and powerful; you need to start their extensive socialization and training early. Those Rottweilers, who are correctly raised, get along fine with people. Additionally, apart from training, they require 10- to 20-minute playtime daily.

After reading all four points mentioned above, you are sure that you want Rottweiler Puppy; then you should move ahead and look for the right breeder. You will find many options online. However, before jumping in, compare rottweiler puppy prices on various websites, and also don’t forget to check the reviews.

If you loved reading this information, then send us your comments. For more such content, as I always say, stay tuned, dog lovers.

Dav Pet Lovers is known for offering rottweiler puppies for sale in Delhi NCR. Everyone knows that Rottweiler is one of the most popular imported dog breeds that have good demand in India. Not all pet shops are capable of handling and selling this particular breed which is why one needs to be careful enough to go with the right provider in this regard. Dav Pat Lovers comes across as the ideal spot for getting high-quality Rottweiler breed puppies. They offer the finest rottweiler puppies for sale that come with proper registration and certification to go with.

Apart from selling Labrador, yet another popular breed, the pet shop provides rottweiler for sale in Delhi. There are plenty of new shops out there, but this has come about totally reliable and trusted option. Getting a pet animal in best health condition would bring about much-needed relief and this is where Dav Pet Lovers is the best. It has been offering exceptional service in this arena for the past several years and has managed to get good number of people to go with it. Many people keep coming to the shop as far as getting high quality puppies of different breeds is concerned as they are sure about what it is capable of offering.



Charles Dickens
Dav Pet Lovers

Charles Dickens|Content writer|Content Head|Journalists