Questions on Capitalism

Dave Craige
2 min readJan 11, 2016

Thoughts regarding capitalism, free markets and humanism

This tweet really made me think about how companies should treat their workers

1/ It is an interesting thing, the two sides of capitalism and humanism On one side, you have the focused striving for max of profit

2/ On the other hand, you have the desire to treat every human with utmost dignity

3/ Where is the balance between these two?

4/ Are we to expect that in the future the free market will correctly align between these two motives? Will the #equilibrium work?

5/ Or will technology create such an imbalance that requires additional leadership and active involvement

6/ Are ideas like Basic Income a strong argument for the involvement of leaders into marketplace.?

7/ Would we ever expect companies like Lyft and Uber to actually support Basic Income like this VC says:

8/ How do you deal with firing contractors? If you are Uber, and you hire 2 million drivers around the world, how do you fire them?

9/ When technology like Tesla’s self driving car can replace 2 million drivers, what is the proper approach to this massive job reduction?

10/ Would it be Ok, for Walmart to email all 2 mil of their employees saying they receive a 40% pay cut?

13/ In a purely free market capitalistic world, should companies stop offering maternity leave and just replace any woman that gets pregnant?

14/ Is it right to create a #RevolvingDoorBiz and have a constant stream of Craigslist posts to bring in workers and then underpay them?

15/ During times like great depression, would it have been right to pay workers $2 an hour since there was so much supply in marketplace?

16/ Is the supply of workers in the US great enough so that @mcdonalds could set workers pay at $4 an hour and enough people would take the job?

Thank you for reading and learning more about this with me. Feel free to respond below in the comments, or drop me a line on Twitter.

