Character Traits of a Good Business Appraiser

L. Woods
Dave Horning, Ohio Business Appraiser
4 min readMay 27, 2024


For more original stories about this experienced Business Valuation Professional in Ohio, feel free to visit Dave Horning, Ohio Business Appraiser at

There are certain character traits that an Ohio business appraiser (or an appraiser from anywhere else for that matter) should have. Dave Horning, after over two decades in the business, has the skill set and natural know-how to do the job right the first time when it comes to commercial property business valuations as well as the analysis of private and/or residential properties.

The Overall Character of a Seasoned Ohio Business Appraiser

“Probably the most important character trait that someone in my profession can have is to be unbiased,” Dave told me in our interview. “Being morally upright and to not show favoritism all has to do with an appraiser being an overall honest and fair individual themselves, which is something that clients always want when they are trying to get the most value out of the sale of their business or other type of property.”

“I hear you,” I said. “That quality of having integrity in one’s work is something that customers and clients look for in contractors across the board, not just in your trade, but in many related and unrelated ones. What are some other traits that a business valuator in Ohio should have, ones that people look for initially when hiring the appraiser?”

“Well,” he responded, “Patience is one that I have that has been of great value to me over the years. Sometimes, the status updates may not be on time. Or, sometimes, I may be awaiting a specific phone call, or a text or email message, one that is very important in moving forward in the appraisal process. But, that person or entity who is supposed to be giving me that communication may or may not be on time with it.”

“Ugh! I hate that!”

“I do too! But, I have the ability to not let things like that get to me, mainly because I know how it is when it comes to human error, and people missing deadlines and such. I make it a rule to always expect human error when doing back and forth communications during business appraisals. This way, if there are not any errors, I’m still ahead of the game.”

I took down notes as the seasoned appraiser from Circleville, Ohio talked. “I try to stay ahead of the game, too, when working,” I responded.

Feel free to contact Dave Horning for business appraisal inquiries at (614) 206–7057 any weekday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Image from BuyBizSell.

“That’s a good way to be in business,” Dave said. “I have always had the mentality that if I’m ten or fifteen minutes early for an appointment, then that means I’m on time. But, if I am right on time, then I’m late.”

“Say that again?”

“Okay, let’s say I have a business appraisal appointment with a business owner at 9:00 a.m. Well, if I get there at exactly 9:00 a.m., that gives me no breathing room if anything spontaneously happens that could throw the scheduled meeting off schedule. So, getting there around 8:45 a.m. just gives me greater peace of mind, and helps me to focus better, having a head start on everything.”

“Oh! Okay. You’re giving out life lessons today Dave.”

The older fellow just smiled, sat back in his seat, and awaited the next question.

Contact Dave Horning in Ohio for Experienced Business Appraisals!

“With so many years of experience,” I began, “I know that this may be a somewhat hard question to answer, Dave. But, what would you consider your biggest weakness as a business appraiser?”

“Hmm,” he responded. “Well, I’m still curious at my age about business appraisals, and I’m still as flexible as I always have been. There have been many changes in the industry over the years, mainly in the way that people do business…”

“You mean via the internet, social media, etc., right?”

“Right. You see, when I first started doing this, there was no Facebook or a whole lot of social media. We did things more manually. I think the most tech-savvy thing I did in the beginning was maybe sending emails. So, I would say that the thing that was my biggest weakness was becoming more tech-savvy when marketing myself as a business appraiser from Ohio. But, you’ve helped me with that a lot, Limus.”

“Aww shucks. Thanks Dave!”

For superb business appraisals in Ohio, feel free to contact Dave Horning at (614) 206–7075. Image from Small Business Trends.

When you type in the search terms ‘business appraiser in Ohio’ into a Google search, Dave comes up within the first few results in Ohio, showing that Google is ranking him well because of his knowledge and experience, and because of his willingness to share it with all of his readers.

That being said, don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Dave Horning today for excellent business appraisals, whether you are within or outside of the Buckeye State.

The easiest way to contact Dave for business valuations is by message at his Ohio Business Brokers Association page.

You can just send him a message here.

Or, you can email him at

