Big updates to Babylon.js 2.0

Dave Voyles
Dave Voyles
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2015

The Babylon.js team made some big updates with 2.0 this week, as announced by David Catuhe( @deltakosh). You can find the latest news about it here.

The Web Audio support in this haunted mansion demo is pretty crazy:


Major updates

  • Support for WebAudio. More info here (davrous)
  • Support for Procedural Texture with standard usable samples and custom support. More info here (meulta)
  • Support for OES_element_index_uint extension in order to support 32 bits indices and then meshes with more than 65536 vertices (deltakosh)
  • Support for levels of detail (LOD) for meshes. More info here (deltakosh)
  • New Scene Optimizer tool. More here (deltakosh)
  • Support for user marks (deltakosh)
  • Using High Resolution Time for performance and FPS measurement (deltakosh)
  • Easing functions for animations. More info here (mimetis)
  • New debug layer than can be used to display debug informations. More info here(deltakosh)
  • New PolygonMeshBuilder object used to create mesh from polygons (ElemarJR)
  • New Mesh.simplify() function to automatically simplify meshes. More info here(raananw)
  • New scene.enableDepthRenderer() to register depth texture rendering. More info here(deltakosh)
  • New SSAORenderingPipeline to apply screen space ambient occlusion. More info here(julien-moreau)
  • New VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess to simulate volumetric light scattering. More info here (julien-moreau)
  • 3dsMax exporter can now generate binary format files (deltakosh)

Microsoft’s support for asm.js in Spartan

Today, we also announced that the Spartan browser is going to support asm.js. I wrote all about what it means for you, especially as a game developer, here.

If you think the work above looks great, just wait until you see the performance when we get asm.js working!



Dave Voyles
Dave Voyles

Tech Evangelist @ MSFT | Game Dev | Startups | VC | Programming