Video learning path for creating high performance HTML5 applications

Dave Voyles
Dave Voyles
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2015
Babylon MVA intro

I’m all about web technology for writing cross platform and mobile applications. I’ve put together a list of video resources to get you off the ground with this, regardless of whether or not you’ve ever used HTML5, CSS, or JavaScript. If you can think of others that would be useful, send them my way.

  • HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners
  • If you don’t have any familiarity with HTML5 or CSS, then I’d definitely start here. This will give you a baseline understanding of the technology, so that the rest of the content below actually makes sense.
  • Introduction to WebGL 3D with HTML5 and Babylon.js
  • I strongly believe that WebGL will be the future for gaming. Several Microsoft employees have create a free, open-source framework to assist with creating WebGL applications and games. If this doesn’t convince you that the browser has some power behind it, then nothing will.
  • Practical Performance Tips to Make Your HTML/JavaScript Fast
  • Explore the fundamentals of web performance, tools for monitoring and measuring JavaScript/HTML speed, and techniques to optimize media usage. Plus, get a look at memory and UI performance in a game case study, and see how to structure markup efficiently.
  • Building Responsive UI with Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap is a web framework built by engineers at Twitter, to allow them to quickly scaffold websites that are responsive and scale well across multiple resolutions. While you don’t NEED this in all of your projects, it does a lot of the heavy lifting for you, and it is wildly popular.
  • A Lap Around Azure Websites
  • You’ve created your web application, but now you need to host it somewhere. You can use an Azure Trial or reach out to me to about a BizSpark subscription, which grants $150 / mo in Azure credits. All of my current web projects are hosted here.
  • Mobile Web Application Development
  • Now that you have your web applications created and hosted in the cloud, how do you make sure it is usable to your mobile viewers? The trend is shifting from views on desktop machines to views on mobile devices. This lesson will help you understand and navigate the key differences between the platforms.

JavaScript can also be a bit overwhelming to learn, so I’ve put together a study guide on that as well on GitHub.



Dave Voyles
Dave Voyles

Tech Evangelist @ MSFT | Game Dev | Startups | VC | Programming