2014 World Cup Excel Spreadsheet

Dave Boyle
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2014

So, a little later than usual, I’ve finally done an excel spreadsheet to help plot the permutations of the World Cup which, if I’m right, will be the last one of any real note). You can record results, predict pathways and work out who might win, to fill those spare hours before the tournament starts.

You can use the sheet entitled ‘Customise’ to customise (clever, eh?) the time zone in which you are, which then puts the right kick off times in! And, if you’re a sweepstakes organiser, you can add in the names of the people who have drawn a certain team, so you can have them shown instead of, or at the same time as, the country name. Take that, smartphone app developers!

Anyway, it’s downloadable here in XLSX format (and here as .xls format for oldskool types).
It’s free to download obviously, but it would be marvellous if you bought me a pint (or maybe just a half).

We’ve all been there, thinking someone else will do it, but really, they usually don’t. So don’t walk on by. Be a mensch and keep balance in the force buying me a virtual pint via Paypal, using the button in the sheet or by clicking here or the image below:


PS — Many eyes make all bugs shallow, and my two eyes usually don’t find them all. In previous years, users have proven more adept at testing the sheet to destruction, which is to say as soon as people start using it, they find some small errors in timings, calculations etc. So, if you want to be updated whenever a new version is uploaded, just fill in the subscribe form on the right. It’ll email you for every update to the sheet (and only email for that reason) so you can come and get the latest version.

PPS — it uses the Geneva font, which you can download here, if you’ve not got it.

