The Importance of Feedback for Strong Leaders

David Joseph Simard
David Joseph Simard
3 min readMar 13, 2019

Strong leaders display many positive attributes. Some people might be surprised to learn that one such trait is an individual’s ability to both give and receive feedback, both positive and negative.

Here are several methods for effective managers to offer and receive feedback.

Render Feedback At The Appropriate Times

Efficient and respected leaders understand the importance of offering feedback at the proper times. In most instances, criticism should be reserved for private, one-on-one sessions between manager and employee. That said, mild, constructive criticism or staff-based critiques can be executed in a public manner provided said actions are executed politely and professionally. Experienced leaders suggest that praise is best carried out publicly.

Enable Feedback As A Trust-Building Activity

Solid leaders will not shy away from asking for feedback from their staff members. Said interaction often builds a level of trust between employer and employees. Additionally, allowing workers to offer suggestions regarding various work-related issues can make those individuals feel more invested in the entity’s operations and more motivated to perform at an optimal level.

Avoid Giving Feedback During Extreme Moods

Employers are advised not to render any type of criticism while experiencing mood extremes, such as anger or joy. When a leader is angry or annoyed, they may express an overly critical attitude that is not necessarily related to an employee’s performance, but the manager’s current emotions. Conversely, praise should not be given when an employer is in a jovial frame of mind either. Such effuse praise might not be a true indication of the employee’s overall performance.

Give Employees Time To Prepare

Effective managers will not dump a heap of criticism on an employee out of the blue. Executing such actions may fluster a subordinate, leading to an adverse impact on their job performance. Experienced managers agree that it’s usually best to give employees time to prepare for a critique session by making an appointment to meet and informing the individual that the discussion will be in reference to their job performance. This should be a conversation where a manager can also acquire feedback from the employee.

Do Not Avoid The Inevitable

Some managers avoid offering feedback because the process of rendering such information can be difficult and uncomfortable. That said, those who hold and maintain executive positions understand that the feedback process is often necessary to help an employee maximize their utmost potential for both professional development and overall success of the company. Feedback is only helpful if it can be acted upon, therefore time is of the essence so corrective measure can be taken.

Be Honest

As challenging as accepting the necessity of the feedback process may be, rendering honest assessments of an employee’s performance can be even more difficult. However, effective leaders understand honesty is the best (and only) policy when it comes to fostering an employee’s path to improvement and enhancing the overall position of the company or entity.

Originally published at on March 13, 2019.



David Joseph Simard
David Joseph Simard

David Joseph Simard is a successful real estate and development consultant currently focused on the Vancouver real estate market.