Community Spotlight : Griffin Obeid

Rachel Linnewiel
DAV Network
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2018


Today in our Community Spotlight Series we take a look at Griffin Obeid. Griffin made an impression on our Co-Founder and CTO, Tal Ater, from the start and quickly became a leader among our community. Let’s see what he’s been up to.

How have you been contributing to the DAV Foundation?

I first started contributing to DAV Foundation by writing code in accordance to the issues raised on the GitHub. The CTO, Tal Ater, really enjoyed my contributions and per his request I agreed to help more by becoming a mentor for the community.

What’s the most exciting thing you’ve worked on?

Honestly, I think DAV is the most exciting thing I have worked on. I only started programming a few years ago and this is the first project that really inspired me as a developer.

Griffin Obeid, DAV GitHub Contributor and Community Mentor

What drives you to continue to be a DAV contributor?

The community and the overall idea of the project. Everyone in the community is super friendly and helpful! I also enjoy helping people through problems, so I get a lot of satisfaction from that. I feel as though DAV is all about future thinking, which I dig.

How do you explain DAV to your friends and family?

DAV can be a little difficult to explain because in my opinion it is futuristic. I usually try to keep it simple and say something like: “DAV will allow you to order a package and have it shipped to your door in minutes via drone.” I think it is better to keep it simple because many people still don’t understand blockchain and crypto at all.

When was your “ah ha!” moment for DAV?

It certainly took me a few weeks to get the hang of developing with DAV. I think my moment of breakthrough was after a few talks with Tal and once I opened a few issues myself. Finding issues with the project really takes a lot of digging and that is when real progress with my understanding of DAV could be gained.

Who’s your favorite superhero or fictional character, and why?

My favorite fictional character is Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones. I love his wit. Also, he doesn’t let his dwarfism affect anyone’s opinion of him. Nobody can doubt his intelligence, pride, and perseverance.

What gets you excited about DAV?

The main thing that gets me excited about DAV is autonomous vehicles. Also, cryptocurrency piques my interest. I think that a combination of the two is undeniable in our future.

