Community Spotlight: Roger Ko

Joe Lopardo
DAV Network
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2018


As we continue our Community Spotlight Series, today we sit down with our contributor Roger Ko. Roger first came across DAV at our Meetup in Tel Aviv, where he’s participating in an internship. Let’s learn more about Roger and what he’s been up to while contributing to DAV.

How have you been contributing to the DAV Foundation?

I have been mostly doing three things:

  1. Extending functionality by adding new logic/gluing APIs — Connecting blockchain’s latest block endpoint with UI code and adding new logic for type of vehicles to accept when randomly generating
  2. Refactoring code — Changing the names of React components so that its meaning is clearer
  3. Raising issues — Mostly related to DRY principles that are not followed, or bug-prone behavior

What’s the most exciting thing you’ve worked on?

I liked working on DAV’s Block Explorer because I got to understand how to asynchronous calls within React Redux better. The challenge was well worth it!

What drives you to continue to be a DAV contributor?

It’s the lovely, humble and welcoming community.

When was your “ah ha!” moment for DAV?

I first met Tal at the DAV Foundation event in Tel Aviv. As he talked about open-source and DAV, his passion for hacking and coding mentorship was immediately apparent. He loves this stuff, and it’s really infectious. I got his contact, and a week later I was working on code.

Who’s your favorite superhero or fictional character, and why?

Meursault from Camus’ the Stranger. He is a guy who does whatever he wants, in the face of this absurd, crazy world we live in.

What gets you excited about DAV?

The fact that it is a foundation, operating in the liminal space between profit and non-profit. I love handling the variety of technologies that comes with the huge ecosystem that DAV is trying to build.

