DAV Insider: Alick Friedman, Business Solutions Manager

Rachel Linnewiel
DAV Network
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2018


This week we get a behind-the-scenes look at Alick Friedman, our Business Solutions Manager. Alick is our go-to-guy for everything related to the DAV Alliance as he continues to create amazing partnerships across the industry.

Alick Friedman, Business Solutions Manager

What’s your role at the DAV Foundation?

I am the Business Solutions Manager at the DAV Foundation.

What does your average workday look like?

My day starts rather early at 6:00am, I call John our co-founder and CCO who is located in Vancouver and we discuss our daily progress outbounding to our DAV Alliance prospects. We create a daily plan for my day and we sync again at night, this way the DAV Alliance gets 24-hour coverage. I work out almost every day, and recently we started doing Yoga sessions at the office right before work, which is great! Throughout my day I read and catch up on news from the Autonomous Vehicle, Robotics, Blockchain and Aviation industries. I grab a salad at the cafeteria and prospect most of my day, where I look for remarkable technologies, companies and individuals which lead the AV world. These DAV Alliance leads are then engaged either by John or myself. I have to say that working in DAV is very dynamic. Every day I sit in different meetings and experience amazing synergy from other team members.

What do you feel are your greatest challenges in your role?

I find the initial outreach to potential technological partners challenging in the sense that some of them are not aware of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology’s benefits. Discussing and elaborating on these really make my day when they realize the potential and the scope of DAV.

Tell us a funny, quirky or strange story from work.

I love to have snacks present in the office at all times. Not for myself but more for the other team members. Almost everyday Hadar and Rachel have their desks covered with different treats. So, there is a new enforced office rule that I am allowed to bring snacks twice a week only. I am looking to bend the rules, still haven’t decided how.

Who’s your favourite superhero or fictional character, and why?

The Pink Panther’s Inspector Jacques Clouseau who was played brilliantly by Peter Sellers. While growing up I loved this series. I find this character to be always on point, touching and comical. As much as he is quirky and strange, he always delivers and solves the mystery in a hilarious way. An unusual “James Bond” designed for the most arduous tasks.

What gets you excited about DAV?

I absolutely love taking part in this project. It’s the first time in my professional life I consider DAV not only my workplace but rather a movement to do good for the entire world. I constantly feel my hands and feet tingling, my body wants to be awake and not miss anything at DAV (although as a result I sometimes have shortened sleeping hours). I see our protocol making an impact on the life of millions all around the world and changing the face of the transportation industry as we know it today.

