DAV Insider: Joe Lopardo, CMO and Co-Founder

Rachel Linnewiel
DAV Network
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


In the second edition of DAV Insider, we get a behind-the-scenes look at our Co-Founder and CMO Joe Lopardo. Joe is based in the heart of San Francisco, which gives DAV easy access to some of the brightest innovators in the world.

-What’s your role at the DAV Foundation?

I’m the CMO and one of the Co-Founders of the DAV Foundation. My main focus consists of everything related to branding/marketing, driving new people to various DAV properties, and creating partnerships with leading industry advisors.

- What does your average workday look like?

I’m an early bird so typically I wake up before dawn and get a morning workout in to start my day. Once that’s done I take a look at my priorities and decide what are the most important things I’d like to accomplish today which will get us the best results tomorrow and in the future.I can be a bit over-organized at times.

That list can consist of anything from building out our new branding and website with our graphic designer and developer, to meeting with potential partners or advisors around San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Our paid advertising and email campaigns are also essential to community growth, so that usually takes up a portion of my day. A few other things I’m always working on include ensuring we have a great flow of content for our readers and working with other members of management on ongoing strategy and execution of that strategy.

All of what I do is fun, but i’m driven by building amazing relationships, so meeting with our fantastic existing or potential advisors at the top of their game is what I love the most!

- What do you feel are your greatest challenges in your role?

The greatest challenge is rising above all the noise surrounding the blockchain space. It was a challenge to start, but over the past few weeks I think we’ve really been able to put our best foot forward. We’ve begun to seriously stand out with our rebrand and the amazing team we’ve been putting together.

Overall we have an tremendous vision and technology, along with an unmatched team. The community is starting to take notice, and channels like our Telegram group and email lists have taken off on a hockey stick curve. With the exponential growth and so many big updates to come, we’re going to be off to the races very soon.

- Tell us a funny, quirky or strange story from work.

The first time I met our Co-Founder and CCO John Frazer I took a trip up to Vancouver to pay him a visit. It was supposed to be all business, but we started with what seemed to be all-you-can-eat portions of chinese food at a great local restaurant. John doesn’t know this but I was in and out of a food coma for several hours after eating what was likely more Chinese food that I’d eaten in the past year combined.

- Who’s your favourite superhero or fictional character, and why?

I’d probably have to go with Superman here. Forget about his devilish good looks and super strength for a second, but just the idea of being able to fly is a pretty fantastic one.

- What gets you excited about DAV?

What gets me most excited is the overwhelmingly positive response from some of the brightest minds I’ve had the pleasure to meet. When I sit down with leaders who are revolutionizing the transportation industry and their eyes light up with excitement, that’s when I’m reminded we’re building something amazing. I’m very grateful to be a part of this team and am beyond excited for everything to come.

