New Advisor To The DAV Foundation: The Internet Of Transportation Will Use Global “Consensus Machine.”

Rachel Linnewiel
DAV Network
Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2018


By Bradley Berman — Lead Editor

There lives a Gandalf-like technologist who lives on a remote mountain in the Rockies. His name is Dr. Greg Colvin, and he makes a living by creating fascinatingly labyrinthine algorithms and designing complex software systems. Colvin completed a doctorate in quantitative psychology at Cornell University, which bolsters his gift for solving the toughest technology problems in his role as a core developer of the Ethereum blockchain. His deep understanding of both software development and human ethics and behaviour gives him a powerful advantage in understanding not only how to build a technological solution, but also how people are likely to apply the tech. We believe his talents will be extremely helpful in his new advisory role at the DAV Foundation, where we are building the future of autonomous vehicles. The DAV Foundation is pleased to announce that Colvin joined our advisory board this week.

