Video: Introducing the Davos 2015 Programme

World Economic Forum
2 min readJan 13, 2015

At the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2015, more than 280 sessions will address these global challenges, to see how they are reshaping our world, and how we can navigate them.

To achieve this, we have designed the meeting along four main themes:

  • Growth and stability
  • Crisis and cooperation
  • Society and security
  • Innovation and industry

Key challenges arise across and within these thematic tracks. They raise questions that resonate with the Forum’s commitment to act as a catalyst for global public-private cooperation, and to improve the state of the world.

The Forum has committed to providing a neutral space for discussion of the major challenges dominating the global agenda today.

Among these challenges are:

The future of the internet: which structures and systems will ensure a thriving cyber economy?

Skills, employment and human capital: what jobs will we need as the future unfolds?

How can we continue to close the gender gap?

And what is the opportunity that diversity offers those organizations that truly embrace it?

Other questions arise around the nexus between climate change, development and growth. In particular, what’s next on the development agenda, as the Millennium Development Goals reach their conclusion?

Finally, on the question of long-term investment and infrastructure, how do we prioritize investment to support infrastructure — an absolute essential foundation for the future of economies?

The role of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015 is to bring together leaders from all walks of life, from across our many communities, to make sense of this new global context — to make sense of the drivers and trends reshaping the world, and to share insights and innovations that will help us navigate the future.

Author: Emma Loades, Senior Director, Programme Development team, World Economic Forum

Image: Impression of the Logo of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Copyright by World Economic Forum

Originally published at on January 13, 2015.



World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation #wef