Creating Art from IP — Bored Ape Craftsmanship Club brings NFTs to life through visual storytelling

DAW Magazine
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2022

One of the amazing things about NFT projects like Desperate ApeWives is the IP rights holders get to their characters. This has unlocked tremendous creative freedom for people to integrate the characters and art they own into their own businesses and also use their IP for new art.

Custom art by Bored Ape Craftsmanship Club

Bored Ape Craftsmanship Club has put their artistic talent to great use and mastered a unique niche in the NFT space creating commissioned story art featuring NFTs from collections like Bored Ape Yacht Club and Desperate ApeWives. Collectors can commission custom art featuring the NFTs they own the IP rights to and create a visual storytelling piece that reflects their own NFT journey and interests and bring multiple NFTs together in a single incredible piece.

DAW holders (myself included) have commissioned commemorative art pieces featuring our DAWs and Bored Ape Craftsmanship Club has delivered unique and personalized art with no piece like another.

Commissioned for AuthentiKate by Bored Ape Craftsmanship Club

A frequent request we get from the community is to see more story art featuring DAWs. There’s something magical about seeing pfp characters you love come to life in an entire scene.

In line with our commitment to feature a variety of styles in our artist collaboration program we knew we needed to include a talented artist that has found a way to integrate NFT IP rights into their digital masterpieces.

Custom DAW art created for founder The Gardener by Bored Ape Craftsmanship Club

As one of the five artists featured in the collaboration program drop this month, Bored Ape Craftsmanship Club has a special piece of DAW inspired art coming soon and we were thrilled to get a chance to do an interview.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Have you always wanted to be an artist?

We’re a small team and we have been artists for many years. Becoming an artist was our clear career pursuit.

Were you doing art prior to the NFT space? What type of work?

We have always worked in the comics industry.

Your art brings a story to people’s NFTs and IP in such a fun way. How did you find this niche?

I learned about NFTs from a geek friend last year. I thought it was amazing and interesting so I got involved.

When you are creating a custom piece for someone, what questions do you ask to guide the style?

When I’m creating a custom piece I just chat with them and get an idea of what they like. The most important thing to consider is whether the customer has a tendency to art.

What are your goals or upcoming plans in the NFT space?

In the near future, I want to make a tool, maybe a website, to create a bridge between artists and NFT owners, so that NFT owners can better obtain customized artworks.

What are your plans for creating your own NFT IP?

Actually, we have always wanted to plan our own IP. It is definitely a future professional goal!

Tell us a bit about the piece you created for the DAW artist collaboration program?

Since I could make any kind of interesting art, I thought maybe I’d let DAW save the world.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

In the end, creation is the source of our happiness, and it also brings happiness to other people. People’s happiness is our motivation and the treasure of our inspiration!

Learn more:
Bored Ape Craftsmanship Twitter

Custom art created for a DAW contest winner

Artists, Click Here to Apply for the Artist Collaboration Program



DAW Magazine

Desperate Apewives Marketing Strategist. Just a DAW girl in an NFT World