Legendary DAWs— The surprising legend who won our debut contest

DAW Magazine
Published in
5 min readDec 18, 2021
Desperate Apewives x House of Legends #legendaryDAW collaboration

Scroll through the Desperate Apewives Collection on OpenSea and you will quickly realize how unique each DAW is. There is something magical about the way the features come together that give each one a personality that shines through. Like the famous ladies that inspired them it’s clear that each DAW has a story to tell.

Since DAW is all about phenomenal art, we wanted to celebrate our Art Basel success (and the amazing art in the NFT space) by partnering with an incredible artist for a giveaway. It didn’t take long for us to be captivated by the artwork of Forbes 30 under 30 artistic visionary, Amit Shimoni. His new NFT Collection, House of Legends, honors legendary icons who changed the course of history forever. The collection transports these legends to alternate places and times and reimagines them in a different Era. The amazing lore woven into the project got us thinking — what would the stories be of our Apewives? We know they are all legendary but we wanted to know more about what our community saw in their individual DAWs. Thus a contest was born to win a free House of Legends NFT mint.

We gave our community the following challenge:

Post your DAW to twitter and tag it #legendaryDAW.

Share the legendary story of your DAW. Tell us who she is, her dreams, and accomplishments. Is your DAW an Olympic snowboarder? Is she an aspiring hip hop artist? A doctor making medical breakthroughs? Maybe she’s the CEO of the next big cosmetics line. Tell us why she is a Legend.

We knew we had a community filled with creative talent and were curious how they would tell their stories within the constrictions of Twitter’s 280 character limit. Boy were we taken by surprise by the response. Hundreds of stories and DAW faces flooded Twitter. Heroic tales some inspired by true experiences had us captivated. It became evident that not only are DAWs legends, but their holders are as well.

It was a difficult decision but finally our friends at House of Legends were able to select a winner.

DAW holder Sidney Appelboom (@sidsdaws) and his DAW Marcella inspired us all with her truly legendary story. We love entrepreneurs here at DAW and the story was a perfect fit with her art.

Of course we had to know more about the person behind this creative entry and reached out to Sid for an interview. We have to say, Sid is just as interesting as the DAW he holds! What a fun surprise to find out that our winner was an Olympic swimmer and a legend himself!

Sidney Appelboom (left) and Stef Wijnants as commentators for Tokyo Olympics

Q: How did you first hear about DAW?

A: My wife, Marilie @theartalist is the art advisor of the house. She and I were on our way to Berlin. She told me to look at DAW because she felt that the current woman’s place in the nft-space was way undervalued and because she loves the art. While driving the 7-hour trip we picked up our first DAW #889.

Q: When did you purchase your winning DAW?

A: We purchased the mint winning Marcella DAW #1723 on Nov 24th. She was the 2nd of a family of 6 DAW’s. Her art/demeanor/expression is one of a desperate DAW that has found a way to finally give herself time and love after taking care of her family all these years. The eyes give away that she is truly amazed at herself after launching a successful business later in life. We believe that it is never too late to go after your dreams.

Q: What drew you to DAW?

A: The DAW story is one of the most powerful stories in the NFT-world up to now. We are convinced that the world needs communities to grow and come together again; especially during the ongoing pandemic. DAW could be one of those communities that might bring out the best of people. The art has a ‘wanna have more’ feeling and a family connection. The DAW’s have given our family a project we can look at and grow in together. We have named all of our DAW together with our kids (Marcella, Heike, Marieke, Shelly, Dory and Sandy). A screen has been ordered so that we can display them during family time and parties.

Q: What interests you about the House of Legends project and is there a particular Legend you are hoping to mint?

A: HOL was again pointed out by my better half. We currently do have contemporary art depicting Frida (artist Ashley Longshore) and became an instant fan of HOL art and their mission providing clean water. We already support different charities involving education in Africa. Marilie would really like the Frida and since I was an Olympic swimmer I am hoping for an athlete (hence DAW 3819 Heike).

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself?

A: I run an auctioneering firm and also worked as a tv-commentator at the last 6 Olympics aquatic events. I have already have had some really funny comments and questions about DAW. Can’t wait to wear some merch at my next TV gig!

Congratulations again to Sid! We are so happy he has a brilliant wife by his side with an eye for amazing art. We also want to congratulate our 2nd place winner @BeeNiFTy1 and 3rd place winner @JoaoMiguel099 and thank everyone who shared their incredible stories. Stay tuned for another article featuring more of the #legendaryDaw stories.



DAW Magazine

Desperate Apewives Marketing Strategist. Just a DAW girl in an NFT World