Vibrant Emotion in Art— How Nakimushi Captures Life’s Highs and Lows with Anime

DAW Magazine
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2022

Our next featured artist from the Desperate ApeWives Artist Collaboration Program has been drawing since she was a child. Like many artists, an early passion for Japanese anime fueled a desire to create.

The vibrant colors and intense emotion expressed in her work create a plethora of feelings. You can’t help but be captivated by the energy that exudes from her work. The raw emotion contrasts with the cheerful bright tones creating art that is multidimensional and reflects the complex highs and lows of real life.

The depth she creates in her animated characters highlights her talent as an artist.

Creating layers of emotion isn’t an easy task and the incredible piece she has created for the upcoming drop achieves just that.

As you will read in the interview below, she finds beauty even when times are tough.

NFTs are a source of beauty and joy even amidst a turbulent crypto market and we look forward to sharing more beauty with the world in the form of incredible art.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your artistic background.

Hi, I am Nakimushi, 27 years old. I started drawing when I was a child. I loved watching anime a lot which got me started. Then my artwork became more of an outlet for feelings and experiences that I have.

What inspires your art style?

My art is inspired by many things starting with anime, pop art, feelings, depression, chaos, and Japanese fashion.

Your art portrays intense emotions with vibrant colorful colors? What inspired this artistic choice?

I have a tough time explaining my work but I want to show that intense feelings, even negative ones, don’t have to be all encompassing and mean all is negative. There can still be a chance to see the beauty amidst it. All the chaos might result in you seeing the good and help you to see how colorful life is even with negative feelings that we experience.

How do you decide what ideas you want to convey next?

It depends on what I feel on that day and ideas draw from all those strong emotions.

Is there a message you hope to get across with your art?

It is okay to feel things. It is okay to be vulnerable. Your feelings are valid and there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

What artists have inspired you?

There are lots of artists that inspire me but most are Bisuko Ezaki, Junji Ito, Shintaro Kago and Hikari Shimoda.

What is your favorite piece you’ve done?

My favorite piece that I have created would be “It Won’t Work” since this is one of the very personal artworks that I have created.

How has the NFT space impacted your journey as an artist?

To be honest, this is the first place where I have felt accepted as an artist. People are not judgemental and I can be me all the time. I am able to create what I feel with no limitations.

Tell us a little about the piece you’ve created for the DAW artist collaboration program.

What I created for DAW is part of my Cry Baby Gang collection. It is a collection of characters that show a lot of emotion and I created this to show emotions. They are sort of my ideal gang.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Life can be tiring and tough sometimes but it can also be beautiful.

To learn more about Nakimushi:
Nakimushi Twitter

Artist, Click Here to Apply for the Artist Collaboration Program



DAW Magazine

Desperate Apewives Marketing Strategist. Just a DAW girl in an NFT World