Credit: Sports Illustrated

Be quick, but don’t hurry

Dawid Naude
Dawid’s Blog
Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2017


John Wooden gave us this beautiful quote. Watch this beautiful video to hear more about it.

They’ll tell you that you have to buy this one, today, or else you won’t be as happy as you could be.

Hurrying to buy a house means buying the first one you look at. Being quick without hurrying means looking at 6 houses first without even considering buying, and then after that choosing one that meets the benchmark. Spending 11 days looking at the market before taking the plunge.

Hurrying is responding to that email as soon as you can, but without addressing the problem. You think you’ve bought time, but you’ve just sacrificed some. Be quick in your response, don’t let them wait, but take the time to respond adequately.

Quality with appropriate delay is ok. An immediate response without any substance is not ok.

Imagine what we could accomplish if we gave everything the time it needed?

