Getting back into exercise after a slump

Dawid Naude
Dawid’s Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2017


Exercise is the most important daily habit.

For some, like me, it’s a daily battle. I’ve completed 2 full Ironman triathlons, lost 100lbs, and yet every day I require a push to get out there.

Weight loss aside, the key benefits are how great you feel, how positive you are and how much more energy you have. Plus you’ll probably die a lot later.

If you haven’t exercised in a while, or you’ve just come off a hugely unhealthy week and you’re not feeling good about yourself, here’s what I recommend.

  • Be gentle on yourself
  • Do something easy that gets your heart rate up, light jog, short cycle
  • Commit to 15 minutes. You have full permission to stop after 15 minutes
  • If you can, do 2 minutes at high intensity (optional)

Most of the time we struggle to put on our shoes because we really really don’t feel like it. It’s too easy to go back to bed.

However, if you say “I’ll only do 15 minutes, at my own speed”, this makes it far easier to start.

Keep doing this, a few days later you’ll voluntarily want to bump it up to 30 minutes… then you’re on your way to a habit.

When you inevitably fall off the wagon again. Use this approach to start again.

