source: wikihow

How big is the dragon?

Dawid Naude
Dawid’s Blog


We’ve all heard stories of dragons and gold. Remember Smaug? that old rascal.

But think of how much easier Smaug would’ve been to conquer when he was small. Think of a dragon in your life. It starts small, one day you wake up, and there’s a dragon in your room. But it’s small, possibly even cute, and not really bothering anyone.

You’ve barely noticed but now the dragon has grown a little, you walk in and you trip over it, it hurts you a little, but not enough to cause serious damage. You think, “I’d better do something about that dragon… tomorrow”.

It’s still easy to continue your life, and the dragon enters your space now and again, but you’re still mostly able to go about your merry way.

But slowly the dragon is getting bigger, and slowly it’s become more noticable. One day you try to open the door to your house and you notice a big thud as the door isn’t able to open. Also, you notice your puppy is missing. You notice the back of the house has smoke coming from it too.

Now it’s become impossible to avoid the dragon, and also it’s become really really difficult to slay the dragon.

How much easier would it have been to take care of when it was little?

P.S. In case you missed it. This is a story about taking care of things before the become problems, then taking care of problems before they become big problems. Money, that conversation you’ve been putting off, exercise, making that artifact, spending time with your kids. Do it now, now is almost always the right now.

