How much are you paying for free wifi?

Dawid Naude
Dawid’s Blog


If I asked you how much you’d sell your browsing history to me for, you’d probably have a few more questions. Like ‘what are you going to use it for? Who else will see it? Will they know it’s me? How secure is it? What else do you know about me?

Free WiFi is never free

Qantas has a great new service of high speed, free, inflight internet. I noticed the T&C’s when I signed up. They’d be tracking my browsing history.

It’s not a surprise, it’s also what food courts, NYC city free wifi, shopping centres do.

I think the problem is that many don’t realise this, and if they did, would probably want to know a bit more.

In the case of Qantas, they also know what I spend my money on as my credit card is linked to the frequent flyer program. You combine my browsing history with how I spend my money, you start to know a lot about me. Especially as we ask google things we wouldn’t even ask our spouse.

In a time of high profile data breaches, ultra personalised and even predatory marketing, it’s worth being aware of what you’re paying for free wifi.

I accepted the terms and conditions, and enjoyed the free wifi. I was willing to pay the price.

