The ripple effect of who you are

Dawid Naude
Dawid’s Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2018


You’re responsible for far more than your own life, even if you don’t have a family or dependents.

The ripple effect of you getting your act together can’t be underestimated.

You’re responsible for potentially billions of people

If you’re out of shape and you end up dropping the weight, you inspire others to do the same, which then inspires others, etc etc. It has a ripple effect that you absolutely have no way of calculating. We are connected to every other person in the planet by just 3 degrees… isn’t that crazy! You eat bad food, others look at it as permission to do the same, and you tilt your surrounding a little to the crap side.

Start by keeping your promises, being honest, and not gossiping. This tilts your company a little bit more to the side of good. If you throw someone lazy into a high performance team, that person doesn’t end up performing better, the whole team ends up performing worse. Even if you’re just one person, your individual contribution has viral effect.

A bad manager sends his staff home with a little less hope than they could have, maybe they’re even emotionally destroyed. That baggage gets taken home to their family, their partner picks up the baggage and takes it to their work.

Why bother?

You have something to offer. You have a responsibility to humanity to share it. Take solace in that you may never know the impact you have, it may completely be invisible, but it’s the most important thing you’ll ever do.

Start getting your act together with the simple things, where it’s easy, where you have full control. Make your bed, tidy your room, turn up on time, do what you say you’ll do, speak the truth.

You have no idea the potential impact.

