This is me

What I’ll be showing off at Dreamforce

Dawid Naude
Dawid’s Blog


Firstly. I’m not sure if I’m going to Dreamforce yet, I want to, but nothing is confirmed. In fact, at this point I’m definitely not going. No fault of anyone but me… A combination of life, apathy, hatred of email, ended with me reading emails about speaking submission deadlines, after the deadline had passed. (**Postscript… the deadline is actually today. So I’ve just submitted it**)

But if I manage to get a spot this is what I’ll be showing. I hope you’re as excited as I am about my session that may-or-may-not-but-probably-not-be-happening.

Let’s play… The absolutely coolest things you’re not doing with Salesforce. (not the best DF talk title, but definitely not the worst)

Here is your Salesforce instance… You’re mostly happy, you don’t dig the UI, you wish you could be on lightning, but can’t yet. The data is mostly good, there’s some dirty data but hey, who’s perfect. Your configuration is mostly ok… sure you’re not a fan of those 12 date fields that are populated with workflow rules purely to drive a single report for Bob from Accounts… and your cascade of rollup summary fields to get one figure on a related list somewhere is a bit dodge.

You’re a service, sales, retail, utilities, whatever company. You think you’re cool because you recently hired a social media manager who you pay $42,000 a year and a data scientist for $180,000. The social media manager is apparently executing your ‘connectivity web embedded 24x7 digital experience strategy’… by sending tweets every day. But they are level 17 Emoji certified, and wear a “live your dreams, stay in bed” shirt. You’re not sure what the data scientist does, but hey… neural networks… it must be important? surely?

Park all of that crap for a moment.

You have a mobile phone, the person sitting next to you does too. Most of you have Social Media. Let’s open that up right now and start having fun. This audience seems a good test crew. (cue to audience to pull out cellular telephones, as opposed to wired phones or pagers)

Go to “Dawid’s Dreamforce Talk” page on Facebook, Telegram, MySpace, ICQ, or SMS this number.

Now, say hello using Facebook messenger… I’ll leave you guys for a few minutes to get acquainted. If you don’t have Facebook (I don’t), speak to them on Telegram, or a webchat at this URL, or SMS at this number. See where the conversation takes you.

Ok, lets have a look at what’s happened. I open up Salesforce. I have 12 new leads, 18 new cases. The cases are prioritised. Some people are happy, some people are angry. The angry guys are at the top (angry people get help first… it sucks, but it’s true). Hey, check it out, half of the cases were automatically closed as our bot had a look and did some shit for the call centre agent automatically. Some leads are better than others, those are at the top. Hang on, some people are now speaking to real agents… That lead (lead as in dog lead, not pencil lead) was so hot that it got handed off straight away to an agent.

Also — lets check out what people are asking. Who are they? What do they want? Ok, lets teach little Bobby (let’s call our AI bot that for now) to respond to these people. Lets try again. (here I pop the hood and show how you train the bot).

Now remember. I’m just a dude, who can’t really code… and just tinkers. I did get some help from my dev magician Shah to do some of the plumbing.

I’m not giving this talk a wanky title like “The Future of Social Service in the Connected Market” or whatever. It’s just a cool chatbot, that you can implement right now.

Chatbots are weird. They’re easy to implement, everybody loves them, but so few companies are using them. WTF?

I hope it’ll be the least boring presentation you attend at Dreamforce. It’ll be fun, interactive and will show you some magic you’re not using at the moment.

Or it won’t happen at all… (I’m not going yet btw)

