Caps on visas for entrepreneurs will only stifle innovation in Britain

Haakon Overli
Dawn Capital
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2018

This article first appeared in the The Sunday Telegraph on Sunday 7 July 2018

When it comes to welcoming the talent Britain needs, it should look to the likes of San Francisco as a guide Credit: Getty Images

For a glimpse of what Britain’s increasingly toxic immigration debate might mean for our entrepreneurial culture take a visit to California. In San Francisco, the city’s Bart trains are plastered with adverts lambasting the US’s H-1B visa system, which allows local technology companies to hire skilled foreign workers, for taking jobs from Americans.

Meanwhile, on the state’s highways, you see billboards paid for by the Canadian government, capitalising on a tougher immigration climate in the US and seeking to persuade foreign-born innovators to set up shop north of the border instead. Here in the UK, we are heading for similar clashes between organisations that will struggle to function without being able to recruit from overseas and hard-line Brexiteers who call for the reduction of net immigration.

For Britain’s technology sector — which the Government rightly placed front and centre in its recently-published industrial strategy — we need to get immigration right.

We shouldn’t have to choose between the will of the people and a sensible immigration policy

Our start-up, scale-up and established technology businesses are dependent on foreign talent. They are very often run by international entrepreneurs attracted to the UK’s vibrant start-up community and its status as a financial centre. Indeed, research commissioned by techUK last year found that British employers in digitally intensive industries were reliant on overseas skills; 45pc of their recent vacancies had been filled by foreign-born staff.

In another study, the CBI warned that nearly 40pc of firms looking for Stem-based staff had problems recruiting — half thought the situation was getting worse. For years, freedom of movement has enabled us to solve these problems. Now, however, the Government proposes introducing a patchwork quilt of visa schemes.

Just days after the Government exempted doctors and nurses from caps on visas for skilled workers (which will incidentally continue to cover those with digital skills), it unveiled a new scheme offering limited numbers of work permits to people coming to this country to launch new businesses.

In other words, the plan is to enforce the same arbitrary limits on immigration that cause such problems in countries such as the US, imposed with little or no regard to demand from within the UK. Taking back control of our immigration policy does not have to mean sabotaging our public services or our growth industries.

For European pretenders to the UK’s tech start-up throne, the Government’s current plans for immigration are a dream come true. Representatives of cities such as Berlin and Paris are spending increasing amounts of time in the UK, courting our technology companies and networking within our start-up ecosystem.

The bottom line is that if you are an entrepreneur wanting to launch a new company, employing staff and creating wealth, you can do that in many places; and for years, entrepreneurs have chosen to set up shop in the UK. In future, given the way our immigration policy is now heading, that will become less common — either because entrepreneurs themselves won’t be allowed to base themselves in this country, or because they won’t be able to hire enough talent here.

To which you might say, let’s encourage home-grown entrepreneurs and boost the skills of British workers so that there’s no need to recruit overseas. But this is not a zero-sum game — wealth creation isn’t binary. Of course, we want more British entrepreneurs and skilled digital talent but we also want continued access to their international counterparts.

We shouldn’t have to choose between the will of the people and a sensible immigration policy. We can leave the EU while remaining able to encourage as many entrepreneurs as possible to come to the UK, and to allow them to recruit the foreign talent they need. But it will require a long-term, strategic view on policy, rather than the current mishmash of tactical quick fixes.

