Meet Alix Fawcett, Marketing Associate at Dawn

Josh Bell
Dawn Capital
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2021

Alix has just joined as Marketing Associate to help deliver communications and activities to support brand development and relationship-building with founders, investors and Dawn’s wider network.

Tell us about your career to date

Prior to joining Dawn, I was part of the community team at Founders Forum — a global network of entrepreneurial founders, leaders and senior investors. In my most recent role there, I was responsible for managing the Venture Capital and Private Equity relationships, delivering both content and event series and the development of the Founders Forum mobile application.

What attracted you to Dawn and B2B software?

Dawn is on an incredible journey, with an engaged team, and an exciting portfolio — I am so thrilled to be part of this! From someone that doesn’t really have the deepest of tech backgrounds, B2B Software can seem a little hard to digest. However, the industry is a huge enabler and the stories behind the portfolio companies are fascinating.

How important do you think the role of marketing and communications is in driving brand awareness and community building?

Both marketing and communications are of huge importance, especially as the role of the community within venture capital has evolved. Community building and brand awareness are vital — your community is an enormous asset and sits at the heart of a brand. The way in which you communicate will ensure you foster that community, increasing engagement and sustaining trust. I believe that, in order to drive brand awareness, it is essential to market in a way that your desired audience can associate themselves with you. And of course this all must be aligned to the brands identity and aims.

And the quick-fire round!

New year’s resolutions, or no resolutions?

No resolutions. I do make goals but these tend to result from experiences as opposed to the clock turning midnight.

Recipe for the perfect event (virtual or in-person)?

Venue research should always be a number one priority; plan for absolutely every scenario (wet weather, fire, last minute cancellations etc); always, always have too much catering; and have a guest list that makes sense for your event.

For a virtual event, although easier to plan for, there is so much more that is out of your control — the wifi, muting, questionable virtual backgrounds, the list goes on. All I can say is make sure that there are at least two people running the event, do a run-through and remember that even Google goes down sometimes.

Favourite VC podcasts and/or newsletters?

The 20 minute VC, Masters of Scale and Pivot are my go to podcasts, although not all strictly VC they are great listens for industry insights and stories. I always love receiving Capital Call and Daphni’s newsletter. Also, Founders News is a great addition to my inbox for all things tech. It is AI generated, meaning each issue is unique to your interests and preferences.

Book you most recently read and your take away?

I am currently reading Notes to Self by Emilie Pine, a collection of six personal essays — an incredibly honest and fierce account of events that Emilie has endured. I haven’t got there yet but the final line has been repeated to me a handful of times: “I am afraid. But I am doing it anyway.”

Most useful marketing tool you think others should know about?

A great visual enhances any piece of content you put out. I worship Canva for creating engaging design collateral; it’s so easy to use and great for when you need something fast.

Best piece of advice you have given or received?

If it brought you joy, count it as a success.

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