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Day One
If you want to innovate, CHANGE EVERYTHING!
PROTECHT — exploring new solutions in the antifraud market
PROTECHT — exploring new solutions in the antifraud market
The EU-funded PROTECHT project will develop advanced anti-counterfeiting identifiers using the latest scientific knowledge. The project is…
Day One
Aug 23, 2021
ASTEASY — Microalgae ramp up production of one of the most powerful antioxidants
ASTEASY — Microalgae ramp up production of one of the most powerful antioxidants
Microalgae have become the most promising sources for the industrial production of astaxanthin, and the EU-funded ASTEASY project is…
Day One
Jun 30, 2021
REAK — Blue light means stop for rogue neurons sending false pain signals
REAK — Blue light means stop for rogue neurons sending false pain signals
Day One
May 26, 2021
2SIGNAL — improving the quality of life of the millions of women in cervical cancer screening…
2SIGNAL — improving the quality of life of the millions of women in cervical cancer screening…
Day One
May 14, 2021
Dissemination and Exploitation for a European innovation project. The Stream-0D experience.
Dissemination and Exploitation for a European innovation project. The Stream-0D experience.
STREAM-0D is a project that received funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 under the public-private partnership ‘Factories of the Future’.
Day One
Oct 6, 2020
New project for the early detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
New project for the early detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Day One, Villa Santa Maria SCS together with the Semeion Research Center in Rome presented “RIPRESA”, an innovative project for the early…
Day One
Apr 2, 2020
Better Juice — reduce all types of sugar in all types of fruit juice!
Better Juice — reduce all types of sugar in all types of fruit juice!
The Israeli startup that developed a technology to remove sugar from freshly squeezed, pasteurized or concentrated juice!
Day One
Jul 31, 2019
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